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A way of implementing story

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Just a thought but what I think would be an interesting addition to the game would be a puzzle\search for clues as to what happened. Eg. Add say 500 or so clues throughout the country(documents,images on buildings,trees,books etc.It would give players something else to work towards and spend their time while adding story.If this has been discussed please disregard.edit never saw the suggestion topic,please move

Edited by sofmisfortune
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A suggestion such as this could never hurt anything. It just makes the game deeper.

You have my beans.

Edited by Lou_Drew

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Ive been pondering this big black plot hole for a while now.

I completely understand why there is no story currently implemented into it.

Its essentially a proof of concept at the moment and to test game mechanics.

But when Rocket does pull a standalone or DLC for arma 3 Id like to see this as a fully fledged game

with all the same spit and polish any other high end commercial release has.

Single player story and the current game type we have.

Or Wrap it all into one package, But the 2 must work seamlessly together.

My thoughts are single player story as a prequel... with the events leading up to start of the

the multilayer version we have where you start on the coast.

However knowing that the map we currently play on may go out the window in the proper game,

We may not even start on a beach.

Either way, story should drive both the single and multiplay versions and they should seemelssly tie in together.

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