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good old MRE's

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hey guys, did a search, found nothing about this and it just popped into my head 2 seconds ago while reading another post. so i was thinking, when i raid a military building it would be nice to find MRE's (meal ready to eat). its what we use in the army to keep us going on field missions and im sure some of you fellow soldiers here know what i mean.


they dont expire so shelf life is perfect for this mod, they give you enough strength and nutrition to keep you running for at least a day. you should consume about 2-3 a day if you are really working, i.e. running across the entire map and bashing infected heads open. anyways, it would be nice to see this in the game and have them maybe give a player 500 blood? more than beans but less than meat i would say, making them valuable. they should be found around anything military

  • dead soldier bodies
  • crashed helos
  • military buildings
  • quarantine zones (tent city)

anyways, thoughts? and if this has been suggested already, i apologize.

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Nice idea... Personally I'd start hording the mini tobasco's... Nice!!

Maybe you could even make an MRE bomb with them to stun infected and players :D But seriously, I think this is a pretty bitchin' idea. I'd support it.

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search brought up nothing, sorry about that. but yeah, enjoy that you guys like it :)

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