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Coldkill (DayZ)

Dear Rocket: to hell with fun, bring on the hardcore!

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Dear Rocket,

First and foremost I just wanted to thank you and your team for this experiment. It is truely one of a kind. I would like to take this time to throw you some suggestions and more importantly my feedback.

Let me start off with my feedback. I have been playing DayZ for just a short time but I feel I really grasp the entire model you are shooting for and I happen to absultely LOVE IT! There are pleanty of action oriented survival/zombie apoc games out there but nothing like this hardcore pure survival angle you are taking!

I absolutley love how this is extreamly emersive (sandboxy) and you truely feel alone. I love how we the players take full charge of our future and how the game design makes me long for a trustworthy team to play along side me. I am extremely interested in the survival aspect of DayZ instead of the fun, action oriented, arcade style games that are out there now.

I would like to see DayZ remain a hardcore survival simulator before anything else, where players have to sit at the edge of their seats the entire time they are playing, trust no one, and need someone. I want this to remain a game where the risk is extreamly high, but the reward is much higher. I want to feel desolated and removed from civilization as if mankind is on the verge of extinction. I want to get angry and have to think like a scientist in order to be successful and say TO HELL WITH FUN!

Now, please, let me drop some suggestions.....

Trade/Barder system

I enjoy how "real" or "legit" this experiment feels. I love how you took a hard core survival concept and implimented it into a Zombie Apocolyps instead of any other end of days senario. The zombies are all we need to bring the "fun" into this "hardcore" title. With that said, I would suggest steering away from a trade system where players trade like in Diablo for example and retain the hardcore system we have now where we have to trust those we are in company of. I think we should keep it simple like it is, yet hardcore where we must drop (or "hand") and item to our friend in exchange for somthing or give them permission (verbally) to go into our backpack and fetch it themselves.

Group Play

This is survival, not party time. Group play in my opinion is perfect just the way it is for the most part. Some suggestions I would say would be "ok" to impliment to make it a little bit easier to play with friends would be: (of course some of these will have to wait for your stand alone DayZ)

-A system where a group of friends can join a server, create a group (party), then create their characters and spawn in the same general location.

-Ability so when my friends get on (as long as we are keeping the servers privately owned) they can just click on my name in a friends menu and join the server I am currently in.

-I do love how once your character is created, you have to rendezvous with your friends by trying to figure out where they have spawned and use your tools and brane to get to them.


I dont think there should be chat at all except for voice chat to players who are close enough to hear you and text chat to players who are close enough where they would be able to hear you. (Just the way it is now is great :))


Ok, you already have all of the hard core environmental/physical tools in place. Temperature/Thirst/Hunger/Blood and you already have how the environment and your actions effect them. We already have many tools for basic survival. Compass/knife/hatchet/matches/map/parts/vehicles/etc. Some other tools that would be great are (unless they're here and I have not found them yet):

-Bunker (A way to build a small bunker where you and your company can store food/water/materials and defend it against opposing forces.

-Generator (a generator you can have set up so long as you have gas for it to power different tools such as lighting around your bunker that has X amount of slots which you plug power cords into)

-High Intensity Lights (requires power cord and Generator)

-Power Cords (see above)

-Boards (used to block off rear enterances and other enterances into buildings you may want to hunker down in for a while or block windows so people can not snipe you from outside)

-Wildlife (more wildlife for hunting purposes)

-Katana (because I really want one in this game. Oh yeah, the sword, not the bike.)

-Tracking devices (so we can track our teamates on our map when we split up)

Ok I am not very creative but I love how this game makes me feel like if I try hard my reward will be amazing!

Thanks for reading!!

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Please don't write laundry list suggestion threads please.

And most of these have already been suggested. A quick search will find most of these, most popular ones being suggestions about power, more "building" tools, and especially trading/barter system.

These are all generic ideas that are probably already been looked at and brought up by the dev team multiple times.

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