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US 135 - Shady?

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Buddy and I were playing last night on US 135 for a couple of hours. Found a Gaz in the woods (not a spawn point), driving around up North and it's getting dark so we decide to stash the car.

Around 1:15am, the server restarts. Scheduled restarts are at 12am mind you. Log back in, Gaz is gone but our gear is good.

Today, log into check to see if the Gaz might be in the area since there's some light out once again. No luck with the Gaz...I make it to Devil's Castle, then all of a sudden get instakilled and noticed my blood was at around -18,000. No shots were fired around me, no zombies, etc. Is there anything legit that could have caused this? Or did I just get scolded for stealing an admins car and gear last night?

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It's a known bug that vehicles are disappearing. Also the physics engine is very VERY buggy (I've run into a teammate and he flew into the wall, dying.) so it's completely possible that you ran into an object (rock, tree, bush, whatever) and it took you out.

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Could of been long distance sniper the audible range of stuff like an AS50 is 450 meters so u might have just been sniped as for the car did u save it at all.

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I'll chalk this one up as one hell of a sniper shot.

New player here...how would one go about forcing a 'save'? Do vehicles travel with you to different servers? (I am guessing they do not)

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Just scroll down on the car by the drivers seat and you should see "Save GAZ" by the car. (Obviously the name of the car changes car to car ie. if ur in a bus it will be "Save Bus" and so on.)

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