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alkemist (DayZ)

SE 9 Hosted by Tansien (Hacker.)

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July 15th. Sunday at 1030pm Eastern US Time.

There was a hacker dressed in the Rocket clothing that i have seen on other youtube hacker vids.

He was running around with just a axe. at the hill between Cherno and The hanger airfields at about 55 130 on dayzdb map.

Also once i spawned back he had this huge fire lit over Prigorodky just ot the east of Cherno. The whole place was just this giant flame.

Not sure what else he did but these were the two things i noticed.

Tansien can you please look into banning this guy from your server. I saw at least 6 dead bodies up there that he did this to and i had a ton of gear on me.

Edited by alkemist

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So he had a custom skin? To my knowledge they are both possible AND allowed in this game. And flares do sometimes light up a large section of the city. I've seen it often, and it's actually pretty awesome =o

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