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Hi guys, I have been in numerous servers where there has been no loot at all; and i mean not even empty tin cans. Now im not sure if its the server or the actual new patch but its quite common. or can someone suggest a decent server to go to?

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I think it should be an Server related problem. On the servers i played there was good ammount of loot.

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If you log in, all the loot near you is removed. If someone else logs in, same thing. Trick is finding a spot where no one is either actively server hopping (so scratch chern/electro) or constantly wiping clean (pusta anyone?). Usually it's not that big of a deal unless you're starting fresh during peak hours. But then again it could also be a server issue like everyone else says. Just not sure how you can confirm someone didn't just log in nearby.

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Some servers seem to have they loot spawn mechanics bugged, yes. Some are ok, others you need to cycle all the spots for new loot to appear. Some dont respawn until server restart.

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I've never witnessed this hypothetical despawn of loot on login, it just simply doesnt spawn it until someone approaches the area from further away, zombies spawn much closer in so you can easily have zombies spawn but no loot.

I havent tested the actual range of loot spawning but its atleast 200m+

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It's hard to say for sure, but whenever I'm looting Chern or Electro and I suddenly stop seeing loot piles, it seems like I immediately start catching bullets from someone nearby.

And just to be clear by "stop seeing loot" I mean that the first floor was full loot, and the second floor is empty with no one around to be responsible for the cleanup. Nevermind that when this happens I can't even find a pile of debris.

Edited by Sumdum

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I had the same dilemma, the first few hours of day z for me were so painful, the best weapon i could find was a hatchet, then today i died and restarted and wadda ya know, in the first 5 mins i had filled my inventory with beans and coke and i found a lee enfeld and revolver sitting next to eachother...felt good.

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When I first started I had trouble finding anything of value at all. I found out it was the server not spawning loot for some reason. When I log into a new server and don't find loot in buildings ill switch to a different server. The game is a lot more fun now that I'm actually leaving weapons on the ground and not struggling to find a hatchet and food. Also I favourite every server that does spawn loot to make it easier later on.

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