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N00b Looking For Some Guy's To Play With

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Hay guys, I'v been saving up for ARMA2: OA for ages (as I'm an unemployed bum), and thanks to the steam summer sale I could finally get it.

From watching countless hours of live streaming on twitch.tv I'v come to the conclusion of I need friends to play with, and watching these countless hours of the streams I know how to play DayZ to perfection (or so I hope).

If you are interested to join me on my adventures through Chernarus then please copy this and fill it in, over 16 only though please:



Location: (for time zones)

Vent or TS: (I have my own vent server so that is better ;))

Average play time a day:

Thanks guys


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Location: West coast USA or PST.

Vent or TS: I have used both but use Skype for the hands free chat.

Average play time a day: about 5-7 hours a day.

I'm also Frapsing the game, I've made some Tutorials for the game and hope to be making many more.

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Oh sorry ha!

My names Sean and I'm 19!

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So how do we get ahold of you Lamo2001?

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Very sorry, Internet went down... I'm on my phone atm, The net will be back on tomorrow, pm me if you want to team up

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Name: Jon

Age: 17

Location: eastern standard time (east coast)

Vent or TS:

Average play time a day:2-3 hrs

message me man, really lookin for some other ppl to play with! skype kobe9599

Edited by brooklynboy9599

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Hi. You posted this in a wrong area. I moved the thread to Survivor HQ.

Please read the pinned/sticky threads before starting a new topic!



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Name: Chimiran

Age: 19

Location: Eastern U.S.

Vent or TS: normally use ventrilo

Average play time a day: 4-6 hours

Just send me a message over steam if you wanna play. Getting kinda tired of playing solo.

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