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abe's oddysee

Looking for non Alt+F4 players. Preferably Good English.

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Hello names Carl from the UK, I've been running solo for weeks now, it's fun but tough, I'm not great whatsoever, I die a lot and most probably the one in the background running away from a hoard of zombies and cows etc...

So if you want to have a fun and die a lot in the process, let me know :)

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You could hit up with me and friend of mine sometime, why not. I'm from finland, but i like to think my english is pretty okayish. And also the other one is from UK which shouldn't be a problem!

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yeah you'll be safe with me and ella :D (sort of)

Yeah hes implying his bad aim, when he accidently shoots his own guys. (I'm kidding.)

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Well if we get a group together sometime and have laughs n stuffs anyone is welcome :). I don't take it too seriously... maybe we can even do some cow tipping and lamb jumping xD

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*sees title*

*thinks: " What has this game come to..."

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So everyone who's interested please message one another with details of your Skype MSN Team Speak etc... And we can eat all the beans in Chernarus together :) Also don't forget to send your card details, I am joking, just in case. xD

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No problem Zeegor :) Not had any contact with anyone yet but it's likely people are sleeping or whatever etc.... But a board the ship :)

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you found a friend in me(8) but yeah sure im from the uk and wouldnt mind a carebare, non-gayness partner to watch my arse

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