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Oh Sean

Random NPC human survivors

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Im sure its been already mentioned but here it goes when walking around the woods/ forests you see alot

of 'other' players but no NPC'S i think it would be awesome to see npc characters around a camp-fire

eating, or just chilling waiting to kill someone.

They could be loot able or even to join them and eat with them just to make the atmosphere a bit more realistic and for the Zombies to attack the NPC'S to.

When it becomes dark on DayZ its really difficult to make your way around or even see, thats when the random NPC'S will come in they could try to kill you or even try to help you by giving you a flare/ torch to see where you are going

Hopefully you like this idea and i would love to see your feedback thanks :)

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DayZ cannot and will not compromise its nature as a player defined world

Dean Hall

that means NPCs are zeds. period.

Edited by Sandy

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Interesting idea, however to code intelligent AI is difficult in the ARMA 2 engine.

However, having NPC's would just be more cannon fodder. I don't see how they'd be help, besides being traveling spawnzones for loot.

That being said, I wouldn't mind heavily armed military convoys, perhaps with APCs and lots of infantry, defending a ural with a shit ton of military grade weapons, food, etc. Attacking it would be very difficult, however it would be super tense to suddenly have to hide from the convoy if you are in the way.

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the zombies should be the only npc's around and their goal is already to kill you. we have plenty of loot around we really don't need anymore. the whole point is seeing other players around and trust me those players want to kill you too.

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