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Chicago lone wolf looking for a brother in arms

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So i started playing a few days ago and have already logged well over 20 hours of pure game time, and after tons of trial and error, adjusting to the learning curve and mastering the art of zombie control and effective looting i am now looking for a partner.

I have finally learned the best way to loot is to go straight for local deer stands/barns and travel north to small towns while using the dayzdb map for landmarks and after getting lucky with an ak-74 /w laser sight, m16a2(for bandits) and a full tool belt i need someone to look after my back. I have over 9 ak-74 clips and 4 m16 clips so im locked and loaded. Currently im on the outside of the stary military tents after losing my tent and my secondary weapon to a server restart. I am very very keen on not dying this time, because for everyone that knows running from the electro power plant all the way to stary sobor is a very long run. I got into a massive fire fight pinned down inside the power plant. 3 bandits fired upon me while i was looting and i ended up killing 2 of the bandits with a fresh m24 i picked up on the fly and booked it north while the 3rd was guarding their bodies.

My plan of action is getting in and out of the airfield and going in solo will just get me killed. I have never found a crash site before(the dayzdb is sorta misleading after i travel to over 8 marked sites). After the airfield it's off to krasnotav to start building a heli, We can foot it or take a detour down to vybor and see if we cant get our hands on a vehicle.

Anyway, here's the guide lines or what im looking for

1. You must have a mic, we can use skype, mumble, vent, anything is fine but VOIP is a must.

2. I dont care about what gear you have or how long you played. If you're new to the game that's fine i'd love to teach you the basics and ropes. Keep in mind though that i dont plan on going shore side to pick you up.

3. Nobody under 18 please.

4. If you betray and backstab me i will dedicate an entire month of stalking you, i dont like murder and avoid killing people as much as possible. If you have a shoot on sight mentality please seek other companions. At most i'd stick people up before gunning them down.



Steam: engagingdarkness

skype: AdventDeicide

Edit: please understand that i'm very paranoid. Just 30 minutes ago i spawned into a server with 4 guys in front of me at the stary tents and after getting spotted by 1 guy i opened fire and apparently killed an admin that was sneaking up behind me and before i could loot his alice pack(i only have a czec) i got kicked from the server. In my entire time of playing i only met 2 friendly while doing zig-zags trying to snipe both of us and the other i met in my first hour of playing and gave my life to the 50 zombies chasing him by stopping in front of them (i had no gear anyway)

Edited by -Omerta-

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Hey bro, iv picked up alot of quality players from this forum, presently we are 6 guys strong and slowy growing. Your welcome to join us, we play most every night from 8pm-3amEST. Addy me on skype if your interested, fxgtopgun.

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I'd be willing to team up with some people, I just started playing today though,

skype is -blitzscreen add me if you want to play together

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Hey bro, iv picked up alot of quality players from this forum, presently we are 6 guys strong and slowy growing. Your welcome to join us, we play most every night from 8pm-3amEST. Addy me on skype if your interested, fxgtopgun.

Hey, sorry i'm not really looking for a big party of people. As enticing as that sounds the larger your group the more threatening you appear to others and immediately provoke other player fire fights and even other players stalking you. That and big party's kinda take the thrill out of obtaining the things you want/need.

I'm on at any given time of the day and week for extended periods of time, as far as servers go i really like to stay on daylight servers as much as possible even though night time looting is easy as pie compared to the elven eyes zombies have during the day. It's not the zombies i'm afraid of though.

At most a party of 3(including my self) is ideal for my plan of action.

Edited by -Omerta-

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I sent Friend requests on skype to 2 of you and no response. Looking to play now.

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I sent Friend requests on skype to 2 of you and no response. Looking to play now.

Hey all I'm down to team up. I have been lucky enough to avoid all players thus far, but not so lucky with a pack of Z's in a barn. I'm about 30 minutes in with my newest player, located in Solnichniy(sp?)

Skype : akash_dhaliwal

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I'm new and started playing my skype is myhuynh520 if you want to add

EDIT: Forgot to say I'm also from Chicago and 20 years old. (And if a Mod sees this can you delete my previous post. The one before this.)

Edited by avenger520

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Hey I sent you a Skype request and I would love to play, I am also in your state so just hit me up sometime, I am 18 btw

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skype is smokehouse74. steam is smokehouse7. i'm from the illinois/wisconsin border so we should get a good connection.

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wouldnt mind a group of 3-4

i keep getting better loot and more and more paranoid

i need people to help watch out,

"safety first...than teamwork"

23 cleveland/boston i play whatever hours i can find here and there



Edited by kossmonaut

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I'm from Chicago and looking for a running mate. I've got some pretty nice gear except for medical supplies and I'm up way north a few minutes east of Devil's Castle. I added you on Steam (name: Detox). Skype name is jfox225.

Edited by JFox225

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Hey man im 18 and from jersey lets team up and play my is kobe9599, also anyone else in this thread is welcome to add me and if i add you itll say dayz in the message, lets go!

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