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us 326 abuse?

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We spent all of last night litterally from 9pm est - 4:30am scowering the map, found a player camp raided it to the ground, and moved the military offroad and the pickup truck of that camp several miles away and in a completely different heading, by our camp. I sign on at 3pm est and its all gone without a trace of evidence, the location we had was damn near unfindable, let alone the player logs for that day didnt have anyone significant enough to find were we were all fresh spawns.

Was it a hacker? Admin? or Cheater? The initial camp we encountered had the bus, military offroad, pickup truck, two atv's and 3 tents however the vehicles were missing tires and so forth which seems as though its impossible to have driven a military offroad several miles on no gas, hull, engine, fuel tank, and missing front tires.

Point aside was this the work of a legit player, did the server reset at 10am est clear out our vehicle and tent camp, or was this something more shady?

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Me and 3 others are also on 326 and all of our tents and 3 vehicles are gone without a trace. I am also trying to find the server admin.

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