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Hydration packs (camelbacks)

Have the need to repair weapons - gun smithing tools, etc.

Have different types of binocs - longer ranged, shorter range

Optics - red dots in particular - should need to use lithium batteries. Same goes for flashlights.

Flashlights should degrade night vision - unless a red filter can be found/attached.

Players being able to 'abort' when being hunted by other players or chased by Zeds - I am guilty of this and I will admit its cheating.

Add boats or the ability to create one.

Ammo/weapon stashes - cache. They expire when the player dies - thus clearing the dbase of these items.

Goretex gear for eventual environmental additions to the game. If found, they protect you vs the elements (rain showers, etc).

Add MRE packs - bigger health boosts.

Have energy drinks like Red Bull - give you a temporary surge in stamina.

Cargo/utility pants for added carrying capacity.

Add fatigue when you have a full pack load. Or make the player move slower, crouch slower, get up slower, etc.

Eliminate local chat. Create the ability to create a local chat with located players - right-click on opposite player and have a menu to offer chat or start VoIP session. Will be lost when line of sight is lost or players are too far away from each other. Commo needs work.

Spawn points - need to be extremely random. Have players pop up ANYWHERE on the map. Even in buildings. Also, randomize starting equipment - makes it much more challenging. Sometimes more food, less water. Sometimes more meds, no food.

Melee if possible. Known that Arma 2 does not have this...will need it for Arma 3.

I have more ideas, but this is it for now.

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To add to your list:

1. Should have the ability to choose weapon loadout at spawn screen. Only pistols should stay the standard. Keep food and water starting packs.

2. Random starting with a backpack or not.

3. Sprinting zombies should be a little slower. Keep hoppers and crawlers, should have actual walking zombies or (power walking zombies) when they attack you.

4. Multiple skins to choose from before spawn.

5. There should be more spawn points and not all by the coast.

6. Should be able to choose to spawn with any friends, but the spawn location should still be random.

7. All firearms should have to be cleaned after so much use, I know there is a "un-jam" option in ACE mod, so a cleaning option could be made.

8. Should be able to bandage self while laying prone so you don't expose yourself.

9. Even more Zombies please.

10. There is a train mod simulator somewhere and im sure it would be to hard to get into the mod for faster transport to major cities.

11. Should be more Zombies out in the open fields as if they were migrating from other towns.

12. Night play is hard and if it was in real life, night is when u bunker down and hide, you can't see incoming enemy and that's what makes it fun. PKing should be limited in some way, don't know how yet but, Zombies aren't the only thing inthe dark you should be afraid of.

13. Create "Easter Egg" type points that are completely random all the time and have great loot but a lot of risk to get them.

14. There should be somekind of reward system for killing tons of zombies.

I like your cargo pants idea, and eliminating local chat. MRE's are a good idea but should be rarer, seeing as how in real life most people don't have them only military minded individuals, energy drinks a definite thing, there everywhere. Ammo caches, well thats what all the loot points are for, but something like that should be made, should be very rare though. Some future developments to consider:

1. To be able to "construct" safehouse's, with fortifications.

2. Be able to use empty whiskey bottles as water containers.

3. Have more scavangable items, and be used to build other items, in general be useful.

4. Rummage through trash cans and dumpsters

5. Melee weapons could be made and implemented but anyone who has played Arma series OFP series knows its hard to implement, but welcomed greatly.

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How about we wait until the already game crippling bugs are fixed until suggesting 50+ ideas at once?

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Can still point out stuff for later, i understand fixing bugs is priority. This is for the future thank you.

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How about we wait until the already game crippling bugs are fixed until suggesting 50+ ideas at once?

Ideas dont go bad bro.

I did like the fatigue idea, as for the chat its in the plans, the train would be awesome, and spawn points, spawning anywhere could be too confusing... maybe more spawnpoints across the coast?

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Some more ideas...

Add bicycles.

Add horses - have to find a saddle first and then be able to locate a horse. Note- horses will be attacked by Zeds if left alone or ridden through zed infested towns/cities.

Add horse saddle bags for additional loot carrying capacity.

Add motorcycles - same concept as the bikes.

Add a flare gun - would be used to coordinate group gatherings/localization.

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