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[] Spawn unconscious after server crash, die.

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Date/Time: ~3:30 PM EST

What happened:

Was driving through Elektro in a bus on US 280 when it crashed. Once it came back up I hopped in only to find myself unconscious with the longest wait time I have ever seen (Took like 5-10 minutes) during which zombies were attacking me. Subsequently died because of the zombies before my timer was up. Spawned right near my body thankfully only to run over to it and my body not being there.

Note: It took me about 15 seconds to run back to my body (seriously, was so close I can't believe it ._.) so there couldn't have been a way to loot my body and hide it.

Where you were: Elektrozavodsk, to the east of the school.

What you were doing: Driving a bus as server crashed, logged in to very long unconscious, died due to zombies.

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: US 280

*Your system specs: Radeon HD 5770, AMD Phenom II x4 965 (OC'd to 3.74 MHz), 4x4gigs of GSkill PC3-10700

*Timeline of events before/after error:

1) Driving down road towards Elektro

2) Server Crashed

3) Join server again once it's loaded up

4) Unconscious with very long wait time

5) Die to zombies

6) Spawn very close to body, run to it only to find it gone

Note - Very sorry for the double post. I, in my anger, didn't see the sticky at the top.

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