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Looking for a UK/EU Clan

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Any semi-serious clans that are english speaking and in the GMT time zone?

I have a lot of experiance at err... running away from things.

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Hi :) just saw your post and would like to suggest the clan I'm part of :) Delta Squad :) we are a clan of 33 members with around four more being made members today :) in the last 3-4 days we have seen a huge explosion of numbers going from a clan of 5 to a clan of 33 members (with the four being recruited) we are a fun clan to be part of and work on a points system where you can work your way up to become a commander underneath the clan leader (the big cheese) an example of how we are a semi serious clan is that while we do wish to be taken seriously by doing clan events, having stockpiles etc we also like to have fun!:) for example one rank is called "Cow Tipper" something someone experienced on a clan event.

So please take a look at our clan!:)

We also hope to get a youtube page so some of your gameplay will be shown on there also :)





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