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Hacking on US450

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I am the server admin on US 450. One of our clan members came across a helicopter in server in good repair. Stole it from whoever was in control and brought it back to camp. Due to my research I was suspicious of the legitimacy of said chopper so I reset the server. As expected it disappeared. I would like to know how to find out who did it.

And quite obviously ban them. Globally if possible.

Someone is hacking. This much I am sure of.

Edited by S_poon

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I do not believe that there is quite such a program. Well Battle Eye does log all that, but it isn't easy to pick through a 1.7gb text log to look for the script that is responsible or who executed it. If I knew what exactly I was looking for it would be easier but as it is I am looking for a way to narrow it down at least so I know who to watch.

If I cant identify them directly through the log.

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