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Snipers ........its kinda like this.

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This could also go by the name of "Cherno, it's kinda like this"

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A friend of mine showed this to me last night. That sigh of his is so Dayz.

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That is Classic!!!

(I would like to notify people the views and opinions in that video do not represent the same as mine)

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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Thats pretty much exactly how my day goes when i spawn there, hilarious video though

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All I'm thinking is, ok I know where he is now, time to get back to cherno and take him out.

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The sigh at the end really sends the message home. The message being "My brains are now fertilizing the grass."

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This could also go by the name of "Cherno, it's kinda like this"

You mean Chernarus? We would be lucky if this kind of thing happened only in Cherno.

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And this people is why you never crawl across an open field... it doesn't make it harder for snipers at all.

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He needs to stop crawling around like a noob. Grow some balls and run into towns. You're much harder to hit when you're weaving between buildings at a sprint.

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crawling in the open, without taking into consideration that the grass you are crawling through isn't drawn on the screen of anyone outside the 100ish feet of your location= priceless.

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I'm suprised there are longer filming of 20-30 minutes of DayZ. For me its usually like that, 12 seconds, *pop* x_x

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And the bandit at top of the firestation was like "WTF is he doing down there ?"

Guess from above hes just a large, slow moving practise target.

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Part II "How to avoid/find/approach snipers"

Part III "How to turn a hatchet into a sniper rifle, NVG's and all sorts of hacked-in goodies."

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Day Z Mod; $20

Quality filming software; $10

Shot seconds after start of first film; Priceless


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Day Z Mod; $20

Quality filming software; $10

Shot seconds after start of first film; Priceless


lol so true

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