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Why is it I always run into players weaponless

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1. Loot the small towns on the coast hardly anyone is there. Find you a weapon a canteen and some food then you head to a bigger town to get better loot.

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They might not have had a mic and figured you'd become a threat since you two couldn't communicate.

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No offense, but shouting out that you are friendly is almost useless. You simply announced your presence when the other guy might not have even noticed you. Also, EVERY bandit video I've ever seen the bandit is ALSO yelling he's friendly simply to get you to hesitate. There is NO reason to believe someone actually is friendly. That being said, you can always take the risk involved to "call out friendly". Just expect to get shot in the face about 98.5% of those encounters. Eventually, you will have a positive "friendly" experience. A better idea is to simply use these forums to find some like-minded folk and meet up in game. OR, play with friends from RL.

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Don't even bother saying anything, as soon as you see an armed player, drop and watch them until they have gone then sneak away to a safe distance (preferably to some kind of tree cover) before continuing as before. This is probably the best policy because you have to assume the majority of players you meet will put you down whether you say friendly, or not. Whether it be fore supplies, out of fear or just for the hell of it. So I've always found you're more likely to stay alive by just hiding from another player than revealing yourself to them.. it's just the way DayZ is, and I'm not willing to risk making friends when it is more likely I'm going to get my head blown off as soon as I turn my back. :)

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