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Never seen this before, a man on a map?

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I was looking at my daily map check on Stary, and I see a orange dot with man on it, what is this? Never seen it before.

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When you see someone, it'll show on map.

When you spot zombies for etc. it'll show up on map. Survivors as-well.

Edited by Syntax323

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Some servers allow for map markers for entities such as these.

Also, "man" is usually a zombie

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I think it shows the last known position.

nope ive had it before, it tracks them showing direction of travel and position. first tiem is aw it i paniked and thought players then realised i could just make out Z's through the tree's i was near a deer stand i dodnt know was there

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Usually another player shows up blue and is listed as 'survivor' or 'sniper' (if they are wearing a Ghillie suit)

Orange dots are zombies.. scared the hell out of me once when I looked at my map and saw 3 orange dots pointed in my direction.. I thought I was being stalked. :P

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