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LU127 Admin Abuse

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please visit these links to my steaming site there are 2 videos of myself being kicked form server lu127

my current time zone 18:38 and this has happened in the last five mins

time this has happened 18:30 - 18:35 roughly and in you

reason for this is me and 7 of my friends keep getting kicked from the server this is now why i have this video evidance.

http://www.own3d.tv/...UT/video/713842 part one

http://www.own3d.tv/...UT/watch/713843 part two

also on my youtube channle GNGNUT1979

there is audio and small amount of commantry

Edited by GNGNUT

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well what do you say about hopping servers and spawning in the barracks?

please post also the names of your seven friends, will be interessting to see..

Edited by nebu

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not that its any bussiness of yours for there name

but we travle around in the pack playing this game.

we have found two good servers we play on now

but this is admin abuse....

nothing to do with server hopping.. video shows me being kicked from the server every time i connceted .. for this reason i made the videos

this is there real life names :) :)

Moderator Notice: Text redacted. Don't do that.

ps do you want there shoe size ?

also check your log and you will see i connected 6-9 times and you were kicking me every time :) :)

and only reason you know i was in the barrarks was you watching my videos.. i could have been anywere and if needed i will get more video evidance of this :) from diffent loctaion if you like

Edited by Legacy

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My name is Ian and I am joining in this thread as I feel nebu needs to realise that as a server admin I dont think anyone could be any worse.

He needs to understand some concepts (which arn't hard to understand).

Firstly how can you accuse someone of server hopping just by a video they have watched AFTER kicking said player multiple times. You at the time had no idea where GNGNUT was while you were kicking him, so in essence your arguement is completley invalid and makes no sense.

Secondly I have been reading another thread on your abuse of admin rights and I have to say your seem to be like a stuck record that thinks he cannot be touched if he screams server hopping everytime someone mentions his inability to manage a server correctly.

Thirdly this is taken from a sticky thread on admin abuse and i feel it is a potent sentence in this arguement;

"Before you make any accusations here, make sure you know what powers admins have, and make sure you've got some kind of evidence to back it up. No evidence? Don't even bother making a thread. Your word alone is not enough evidence to prove anything. Making posts saying 'A tank fell on my head on EU13. Blacklist plz' isn't going to get you anywhere."

I have to say this works BOTH ways. GNGNUT has evidence of you kicking him up to 9 times in quick succession with no reason. You DO NOT have any evidence of him server hopping. The only thing you have is the SAME evidence which is madness.

My thoughts are your crapping yourself because my friend has actually gone out of his way to prove you are abusing your rights (and he has done a good job).

My last say on this subject is we will be joining and streaming at random intervals so either learn your place and stop kicking or be prepared for lots of threads involving your incompetance as an admin.


p.s yes i am one of the mentioned friends that plays with GNGNUT

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ok, when iḿ back home i look up your connect behavior. also gimme the names of your buddies so i can confirm your story;

that shouldnt be a problem if you are as innocent as you stated.

p.s. you got an ugly uk accent!

Edited by nebu

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sorry i cant give you them...

moderator has taken them out from my post check his coment :):)

ps you have a crap attitue as admin :):)

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