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Hive control of supply

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Simple suggestion with the hopeful result of more scarcity;

Have the Hive monitor (within the last week) active player's inventories for ammunition and weapons and have it send spawn parameters to each server adjusting the '%' chance spawn of items.

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That's actually an exellent idea, have the hive allocate loot supplies for the day based on collected statistical data.

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That sounds like a lot of work and processing space for a system that could potentially be gamed. What's wrong with the current supply rate? Everyone has an equal opportunity.

Edited by Techercizer

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Necro reboot/finally found this thread again.

In response to "whats wrong with the status quo?"

The issue is that there is simply no scarcity of any kind and that things that should be diminishing in quantity (ie all supplies) are actually proliferating. Its not just guns and Voggles but food from stores and cattle.

The hive can certainly keep a simple data track of these items on hand in each player and tent/vehicle.

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