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Looking for a clan for weekdays and weekends after 6PM ET

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Hi, new to DayZ, but an ARMA/ARMAII "vet". I stumbled upon the mod yesterday, and I must say I am impressed. Have managed to not die in my first go around, and my lil guy is sleeping on a hill in the server outside of Chernogorsk. I didn't go into the city out of instinct, but after reading the guides, I am really glad I didn't, as I have not found any weapons yet. I have a 20 MB up/5MB down connection based in the DC area, so it is pretty stable. I work a standard 9-5 schedule most days, but I'm in law enforcement so there may be days when I am not available, or get back late. Looking to team up with more mature players into the survival aspect. I'm more apt to help a survivor than shoot him for a can of Pepsi, and will leave a clan that griefs other players. Also, if your clan has a dedicated server, I may be open to paying a fee, depending on clan size and what is offered.

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