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The Winchester 1866

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Surely this is the certified zed killing tool? I stood in a deer stand, about 150-175 meters away from a village and just stood there picking off zeds for target practice. Only when I went further than 200 meters did it take 2 shots to take the zeds out. Not to mention it's pretty quiet too, best weapon I've used against zeds.... That being said, I haven't had a 'wealth' of weapons.

I'm not convinced on PVP though, I was rummaging around some military tents when a group of 4 turned up in a car, I was about 75 meters away when they spotted me (trying to hide I might add) I managed to hit 2 of them with 1 bullet each before I was killed.

Not sure what sort of damage I did, but they wasn't dead that's for sure.

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I replaced my Winchester for a M4 yesterday... i'm regretting it! Winchester is a really really good weapon! Only 15 bullets per stack but almost no noise and 1-shot any zombies. and pretty accurate too!! love it! I hope they don't nerf it!

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Surely this is the certified zed killing tool?

Would like a word:


Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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Ive shot someone and dropped them unconcious with it, finishing them off with a second shot. But also shot someone multiple times and didnt seem to do anything at all to them. So as far as PvP goes I am not a big fan. For killing zombies its a pretty nice weapon, though in most instances I would just use a 1911 anyway since it is my go to zombie weapon (quick fire for hordes, one shot kill, and plentiful ammo).

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I think Winchester WAS good before 1.7.1 patch. Now its very difficult to find ammo for it. Also its the loudest 'shotgun' in the game with an audible range of 125m. Its even louder than all of the assault rifles except AKM.

Edited by Shaimou

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I replaced my Winchester for a M4 yesterday... i'm regretting it! Winchester is a really really good weapon! Only 15 bullets per stack but almost no noise and 1-shot any zombies. and pretty accurate too!! love it! I hope they don't nerf it!

I am fairly certain that it has already been nerfed. When I first started looking over the wiki I remember the page saying that it had been toned down in some fashion but that the weapon was still popular for new spawns. I just checked the page again and it no longer says that, but was updated yesterday. So I think it unlikely that this weapon will recieve a further "nerf".

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I like my primary to have good self defence value against humans I feel the winchester fails here or at least I wouldnt want it in a PvP situation.

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1911 is the certified zombie killing tool. Primaries are for people. So far one of my favorites is the M14 AIM. Nice sight, good field of view, good range with superb accuracy and good damage. It fits nicely between an AR and a sniper.

I'd like to get another MP5SD6 though. Being an SMG with iron sights I didn't think much of it and passed a few of them up. Yesterday we were at Story Sobor and I had picked one up to kill a few zombies quietly when we heard gunfire over the hill. Ran up there to see someone about 1200m away riding on a bike. He came closer and I picked him off in one short burst from about 400-500m. So it may be a heck of a lot more accurate than I anticipated.

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M1017 for me has been the best, i like the 8 round slugs, i can easily take down a player at 200m, last night got my first head shot with it and it was damn neer 300m shot. The best thing about the gun is the large slug magazine, the down side is its pretty much as loud as the DMR/m14.

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