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No item spawn.

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Date/Time: July 15th, 11h30pm Canada EST (GMT-5)

What happened: No item spawn in buildings. Zombie spawn worked though.

Where you were: NE airfield, then Polana, and a few Deer stands

What you were doing: trying to loot some stuff while re-joining my friend.

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: US172 (also noticed same problem on NY7 before that.)

*Your system specs: AMD Bulldozer 8-core, 8gb ram ddr3 1600, Geforce gtx-560 1gb, windows 7

*Timeline of events before/after error: No item spawn anywhere, zombies did spawn from distance. not even empty cans spawned, whole town completely empty. But: a group of players in a car passed through as i was in a building, and suddenly all items spawned live in front of me. I then went to a barn, same story. I waited a while to see if items would spawn, and they didnt. Almost as if all other character than me were able to spawn items...

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