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Seeking a friend for the end of the world. (U.S)

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Looking for a US group of 18+, but so long as you'r in high school i can deal. I am well aware of the countless threads looking for players, however I am not an intrusive person, nor do I want to sit for hours reading posts and trying to figure out who's american and who's 12. So if any recruiting groups happen to stumble upon this please let me know. Also if its just lik 1 or 2 people thats perfectly fine.

STEAM= Itz_Kryptik_420

Have a mic please.

Edited by Kryptik 617
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Anyone else? got a few but always looking for others

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yeah, im an asshole for bumping twice, but i want people to play with, found a few so far, would like a little community thing going on. Currently in ts3server:// for teamspeak

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ill group with you but i use skype because the in game chat doesnt work with my mic add me on steam mad_max_guy123

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I'd be willing to join up. I'm still new to the game and learning the ropes but would like some people to team up with. I'm also right up the coast from you. (In Maine)

I also have a Teamspeak server if needed.

I just added you on Steam. rS` Spex

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Hey I am 18, I live in the U.S. and I have been looking for people to roll with for sometime now. So hit me up sometime my steam is GamerKnoob and I do use a mic.

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I also am older then 18 and live in the u.s. who would like to play with people if your still looking.

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Still lookin' for people?

always bro, got 6 dudes to roll with yesturday, wanna try and stay in bigger groups Edited by Kryptik 617

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Steam: RellikReed

I am in the US, New York. Looking for friendly people to adventure with. Please no bandits :D Haven't killed anyone yet, don't want to start!

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