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Pick up the M249 SAW or FN FAL?

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I'm looking at both right now! Which to choose?

I do PVP, but I want to kill zombies as well.

Which are th epros and cons?

FN FAL. Just do it.

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SAW, because you can't find FAL ammo anywhere but heli crash sites if i'm not mistaken.. You can find saw ammo on dead military zombies easily, and in deer stands etc. Ammo is more plentiful with the saw

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Get the SAW, never run out of bullets, and thank me later.

The FAL is good if you like hunting players from 300-600m ranges, but it doesn't really do anything a half-decent sniper, or an assault rifle with a bit of patience and experience, can't do better.

Edited by Techercizer

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Really good for killing just about anything. 2-3 body shots kills a player, usually 1 drops a zombie.

You can find them with a night vision scope which is really awesome to use for night raids.

Fairly accurate


Loud as hell.

Ammo can only be found at heli crash sites.

The night vision scope is useless during the day and you can't turn it off.



HUGE magazine/belt.

Does decent damage to players and zombies. Usually 3 body shots will at least knock a player out.

Ammo is relatively easy to find.


Loud as hell.

Accurate to an extent (but you can just spray it to make up for this if you don't mind using more ammo)

Big and stands out on your back or in your hands.

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The FN FAL sucks, honestly. It's basically a shittier version of the M14 with ammo that's impossible to find. The only reason people are so obsessed with it is its rarity.

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Of course, you could always solve this connundrum by carrying both if you have a big enough backpack.

I run around with an SVD camo in my hands and a M4A1 Holosight with grenade launcher in my backpack for when I raid towns on my own.

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yeah the saw wins i dropped my fal for it strait away, got 5 boxes of ammo atm so, 1000 rounds, i will say though, it is not the best in cqc its great for covering your buds but it isn't as good as a carbine in close.

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