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Clan 101 Recruiting

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One Inbox to talk to you in private like mature people, And MLG Rank reset :) check GB Rank, and last time I played. :) Im pretty sure you copied that lovely little paragraph from SVK Page. So dont bite on me. mmmaky Bye -Love iDeeJayTre-

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Stop telling us your life story, we honestly do not care - now stop replying on my thread - Thanks!

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Recruitment is still hot!

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Recruitment soon closes! Bumping for the last few :)

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It's hard being in 101, the amount of awesome and e-peen that rushes through your keyboard/mouse is almost unbearable at times for even the strongest mortal man.


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I'll give it a shot if you're still recruiting, I'm slightly geared now (DMR, excess mags, ALICE pack, ect...) and happy to fill most roles in a team. PM me some details maybe

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Bumping for our final few members. Be experienced and ready to kill.

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I would love to join you, i cant do anything tommorow or over the weekend due to a lan party for 3 days i am attending as of tommorow. However, if you are still recruiting on monday i will be free constantly from then.

I'm 19, i confess to not knowing my way around the map without a map or compass on hand, but i hope that doesn't hinder me too much as i have been learning landmarks fairly quickly in my 2 weeks of play. i have not had a chance to use the high end equiptment due to lack of playtime and forced solo play, however should i be entrusted with a sniper i know from the Operation Arrowhead that i can use them there, so it shouldn't be a problem. I will have it known that i have loyalty like a dog as long as i am treated right, and will not hesitate to cause a distraction, draw fire or walk into certain death for a good tactical advantage, as long as i know my team will look after me. I don't believe in first come first serve when it comes to loot, if i have both a primary and secondary, i will always drop one for someone who is still stuck with the hatchet. first come first serve is only an option when everyone already has the things they need. I am in no way a mute, i have a mic and i am very happy to use it, some of the best laughs i have had have been caused by playing in a team on mic.

I will add you on steam and skype, my name is GexAlmighty

Edited by GexAlmighty

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Hi, you sound like just the kind of group I'm looking to join.

I'm 38 (guess that makes me mature though I don't feel so). Married. I work for the NHS in a medium secure hospital unit - constantly dealing with the real threat of violence and abuse on a daily basis.

I work long hours - 13 hours (get up at 6am,. Start work at 7am. Finish at 8pm. Get home for 8:30pm. Go to bed and do it again LOL).

As a result I like to play hard but have a laugh at the same time. I've had enough of going solo (and getting my arse kicked).

What I'm looking for I guess is a group of mates to play with and have banter with. Obviously I understand the chain of command.

Although I can't commit on a daily basis due to not only working long hours but having a wife as well, I am commited. Most of all though I would say I am a sound lad.

If your interested let me know however, I am away for the next week on my jollies.

PS My name is Bernard (bastard brother to thank for that name).

Please call me Berns.


Edited by Berns

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Hi, you sound like just the kind of group I'm looking to join.

I'm 38 (guess that makes me mature though I don't feel so). Married. I work for the NHS in a medium secure hospital unit - constantly dealing with the real threat of violence and abuse on a daily basis.

I work long hours - 13 hours (get up at 6am,. Start work at 7am. Finish at 8pm. Get home for 8:30pm. Go to bed and do it again LOL).

As a result I like to play hard but have a laugh at the same time. I've had enough of going solo (and getting my arse kicked).

What I'm looking for I guess is a group of mates to play with and have banter with. Obviously I understand the chain of command.

Although I can't commit on a daily basis due to not only working long hours but having a wife as well, I would say I am a sound lad.

If your interested let me know however, I am away for the next week on my jollies.

PS My name is Bernard (bastard brother to thank for that name).

Please call me Berns.


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Still recruiting!

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Hey I sent some requests love to chat with you and hope i will help your group move forward :beans: B) :beans:

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