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OA Editor/SP broken after 1.7.2?

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Patch 1.7.2 seems to have broken the single player component of OA and i was wondering if any of you guys know a way to fix this...

The Editor still "works" but most of the units are missing and 90% of the vehicles that still show up in the list don't actually appear when you place them on the map.

Scenarios seem to be completely broken now, as in you cannot even get past the loading screen in most, and if you can you spawn as a motionless camera 10m off the ground.

Haven't tried the SP campaign but i think its broken as well.

I only play DayZ, but like to screw around with the editor every once in a while and i wanted to try a few custom scenarios for shooting practice so it kinda sucks that this component of the game is just broken now.

Reinstalling might fix it, but updating DayZ will probably just break it again so i wanted to ask here first if anyone has been able to fix this.

Edited by vile.

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I had the same issue, and would get crashes to desktop when trying to load single player missions. The last time I was able to get in I actually had DayZ content loading in the Operation Harvest Red campaign:


I renamed my ArmA2 directory and then did a fresh reinstall from Steam, thereby having one directory for DayZ and one for vanilla. When I want to play vanilla I rename the directories so that Steam launches from it, when I want to play DayZ I do the opposite. Clumsy, but functional.

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I renamed my ArmA2 directory and then did a fresh reinstall from Steam

ILOLD. Good you didnt buy yourself a new PC.

Just run vanilla ArmA without the mod and be good.

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yes, I cant spawn men. Only vehicles and planes, chopper etc. But I can not spawn soldiers.

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Don't know how you are launching Arma Oa so no specific help can be given. But like people have said you need to launch Arma without dayz or the beta (in certain circumstances). Using six or arma launcher etc you can tell it what mods to load or not load each time you start arma. Just set up different launch profiles for each, 1 profile to launch with dayz + beta, 1 for ArmaOa + beta, 1 for just vanilla etc etc.

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