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Rocket you must put an end to passworded servers!

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How is this cheating? No one is on every server every moment of the day, you gotta sleep sometime. I usually play around dawn, in servers with less than 10 people. I've done practically the same thing as them, just at a different time of day on a public server. Sounds more like these guys just have something you don't and that pisses you off.

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Never mind that these passworded servers will now easily know all the possible helicopter and vehicle spawn locations. Though I would imagine that becomes public knowledge soon enough.

Separate note:

I am seeing the swapping servers for loot definitely abused, I play on the same server and I have been casing the NW airfield I am there 20-30 minutes multiple times and never hear any shots and see fresh dead zombies, (from players spawning in more likely than crossbow or SD) and all loot is missing, people are just zoning in and looting and zoning to another server.

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How is this cheating? No one is on every server every moment of the day' date=' you gotta sleep sometime. I usually play around dawn, in servers with less than 10 people. I've done practically the same thing as them, just at a different time of day on a public server. Sounds more like these guys just have something you don't and that pisses you off.


I have pretty much everything you want in game apart from a vehicle

nvgs, gps etc etc. I have no reason to be jealous of anything.

Locking a server to camp gear with immunity is slightly different from playing on almost empty servers, I purposely join partially empty servers and camp around NW/Stary camp just to snipe people who are too bad at the game to be able to sneak into stary/NW airfiled on full servers.

At least on a public server people like me have the option of doing this, password locked servers, you can camp gear with immunity That's the real problem.

On a side note, i think loot should stop spawning if the player count is too low anyway that would put an end to kiddies trying to play on the 5 person servers and get gear.

I never really understood that anyway, you join an empty server to get gear then go to a full one expected to dominate people or something and just end up dying at first contact because you're still just that bad at the game only now you're carrying around better loot.

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When people gonna understand the simple fact :

GEARS DOESN'T MEAN A SINGLE SHIT IN DAYZ ( except NVG's and silenced weapons, ultra rare anyway )

It will be a day to remember.

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There is nothing wrong with passworded servers, people like to play only with friends and enjoy the game without all the killing or they are testing for bugs and doing other various things. It sounds to me like you are just left out of something exclusive and are simply complaining out of spite like a baby.

This is an Alpha, this is not the retail game and if someone wants to password their server to get the most out of the game or find problems with it then who is anyone to say they can't?

Who cares if they are farming equipment on their server? If they are not cheating and spawning items then what is the problem? They are legitimately acquiring gear in a controlled environment on their terms on a server they are paying for.

Seriously if you have a problem with this you are just a whiny douche who is jealous that you are being excluded and have no friends, get over it.


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There is nothing wrong with passworded servers' date=' people like to play only with friends and enjoy the game without all the killing or they are testing for bugs and doing other various things. It sounds to me like you are just left out of something exclusive and are simply complaining out of spite like a baby.

This is an Alpha, this is not the retail game and if someone wants to password [b']their server to get the most out of the game or find problems with it then who is anyone to say they can't?

Who cares if they are farming equipment on their server? If they are not cheating and spawning items then what is the problem? They are legitimately acquiring gear in a controlled environment on their terms on a server they are paying for.

Seriously if you have a problem with this you are just a whiny douche who is jealous that you are being excluded and have no friends, get over it.

Oh snap, got ourselves and E-thug here. Watch out.

Except for when they don't play on their private server exclusively and come to a public one with all the gear they got camping the spawns without having to worry about getting killed and then kill new people on the coast with their nvgs etc thus ruining other peoples game.

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Except for when they don't play on their private server and come to a public one with all the gear they got camping the spawns without having to worry about getting killed and then kill new people on the coast with their nvgs etc thus ruining other peoples game.

They can do the same thing in a low population or empty server, you have no point, whiny babies...

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Oh we have a point you just do not want to lose the advantage.

I have no problem with passworded servers they just need to have seperate stats and saves, so yeah do what you want on your server. This mod changes the rules a bit on this aspect. For instance having your own regular arma 2 server or CSS server or TF2 or BF3 does not give as much of an advantage as the potential advantage in Dayz.

Here is a silly WoW analogy, you get on your private wow server and with no competition other than simple easy to kill AI you get full top tier arena gear, then you go back to a normal public server and joing the BG's , fair? no.

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There is nothing wrong with passworded servers' date=' people like to play only with friends and enjoy the game without all the killing or they are testing for bugs and doing other various things. It sounds to me like you are just left out of something exclusive and are simply complaining out of spite like a baby.

This is an Alpha, this is not the retail game and if someone wants to password [b']their server to get the most out of the game or find problems with it then who is anyone to say they can't?

Who cares if they are farming equipment on their server? If they are not cheating and spawning items then what is the problem? They are legitimately acquiring gear in a controlled environment on their terms on a server they are paying for.

Seriously if you have a problem with this you are just a whiny douche who is jealous that you are being excluded and have no friends, get over it.


Ultimately rocket can kick any server that misbehave out of the project.

If you don't see how it can be a problem if they only have zombies to worry about, you haven't played this game enough. The best gear is hard to obtain because other players are ready to kill you to secure it, not because of the amount of zombies.

On a passworded server you have no such thing, and there is no reason why a clan could have their own little farming server so they can go wreck havoc in public servers.

It also mean their equipment tents are safe on their private server, hell they could have gearing tents on the beach of their server to re equip right after being killed, entirely negating the perma death.

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Oh we have a point you just do not want to lose the advantage.

I have no problem with passworded servers they just need to have seperate stats and saves' date=' so yeah do what you want on your server. This mod changes the rules a bit on this aspect. For instance having your own regular arma 2 server or CSS server or TF2 or BF3 does not give as much of an advantage as the potential advantage in Dayz.

[/quote']This is an alpha build, enjoying the game and building up is second to testing the functionality of the game. What actually takes place in the game at this juncture is honestly irrelevant.

You complain about people wanting to gear up and move onto another servers yet you can't see the poetic irony and hypocrisy that you want to build up your gear and keep it safe all the same, they are just doing it in a much smarter way and a safe environment that you have no access to.

Like I said, you guys are not in these servers, you do not have the opportunity to be in these servers so it is natural that you complain about them because you are excluded. Had you been given the chance to be in one your mouth would be shut and threads such as this would not exist.

This is a tale as old as time itself, people want what they cannot have and if they cannot have it they want it destroyed. Saying anything beyond that is a flat out lie to make you look righteous like you are trying to save the game from something that is not even a problem.

Adapt and move on with your life.

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