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Rocket you must put an end to passworded servers!

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I already see 3 servers that are passworded. This has to stop quick before it's too late. Players on those servers just load themselves up with loot without any risk, then they can go and join any other public server and because of persistence they have the gear they looted from the safety of the passworded server.

This is outright exploiting and cheating the system.

Rocket, you have to put a stop to this!

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Dramas fucking everyhwere.

Go buy a server and fucking lock it if it's bothering you so much.

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Or they could be actually looking for bugs or passwording it temporarily for other purposes :V

I like your optimism, but when the talk is about Brazilian and Russian servers I guarantee you they are not there dutifully looking for bugs.

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You never know, but I'm sure the developers might look into why servers get passworded. Which servers are they? Who is in them?

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I hope it's the testing thing. I saw a server that required a higher patch today. It was strange.

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It said 1.60.9 on it. But it was a dayz server. Non player made one.

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If you look at what players are on servers with passwords, you can find players that "farm" equipment on these servers and then switch to public servers to have fun with other players. Yesterday some such players were not afraid to talk about in the chat, that they will have to rearm tomorrow on their privat server.

Some may find that a drama, but i can not think - along with the "no kick for clanmembers/donators" policy - of any other way to keep the game as fair as it can be than banning passworded-servers right away.

If i understood some postings, there are much more requests to add servers than servers are added to the official database, so even if some "pro" "leet" "whatever" clans cannot live without private servers and/or not getting on their own server, these servers can easly be replaced.

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(Except for locked servers, sniper rifles, bandits, and everything else... you know what, to hell with freedom.)

Ah, freedom!

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I love how people are literally crying their bodies out on locked servers, creating threads at the exact SECOND the server go private ...



While crews and crews of cheaters are actually spawning high-end vehicles ( A-10 / T90's ) and weapons ( M107 TWS / MK16 / Anything you could imagine ) using random scripts and cheats, and destroying the mod in a more efficient and fast way than every locked server on earth could achieve.

Keep your fucking facts straight babies. If you want to cry over something cry over that. Because those guys, even at dabase level, can't be really permabanned.

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Character on a passworde server = can't spawn into the collective (flag the characters, then wipe them on disconnect). Then, they can still 'look for bugs', but start on regular servers like everyone else.

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Or they could be actually looking for bugs or passwording it temporarily for other purposes :V

I like your optimism' date=' but when the talk is about Brazilian and Russian servers I guarantee you they are not there dutifully looking for bugs.


Yeah anyone who is russian or brazillian is always cheating, regardless of what proof or evidence says says!


Im sure some people use locked servers for cheating, but I doubt all of them. Though I disagree with any sort of locking normally.

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A private server may as well be single player co-op with your friends mode. Problem is people groups/clans exploiting it then going to a public server.

If there is an actual backlog of people wanting to add servers then passworded servers should not currently exist for the alpha unless it is some sort of approved testing.

If we have a bunch of clan passworded servers where they go in on a private server as a group to max out 4-8 peoples gear then drop into public it really offsets the balance and is unfair. I think given the way this mod is played there should never be any private servers unless the stats and gear are saved separately for that server only.

This mod sort of changes the rules of what was ok in the past IMO.

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If it ends up being such a big problem, why not have it so that gear gained in passworded servers can only be used in passworded servers?

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My idea from the other thread:

All servers are added to a database to be allowed to communicate and send players-stats and it is part of the server query protocoll to check if the server has a password or not. Simply check every server every 60 to 120 seconds if there is a password and if the server has a password, all following player-status-updates from this are ignored until the server has been restarted (not until the server-check reveals that there is no more password, as players that are still on the server, will benifit from the "locked"-time then).

Result: players can play on passworded servers if they want to, but playing there will not effect the open global gameplay/balance. Only players that have a setback are the once that "farm" high end equipment without threat on closed servers to than use it on open servers (what is nothing else than cheating).

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I love how people are literally crying their bodies out on locked servers' date=' creating threads at the exact SECOND the server go private ...



While crews and crews of cheaters are actually spawning high-end vehicles ( A-10 / T90's ) and weapons ( M107 TWS / MK16 / Anything you could imagine ) using random scripts and cheats, and destroying the mod in a more efficient and fast way than every locked server on earth could achieve.


Keep your fucking facts straight babies. If you want to cry over something cry over that. Because those guys, even at dabase level, can't be really permabanned.

What is your effing problem dude? If you're so butthurt about cheaters go make a separate thread about it. Why go to a completely different thread discussing a very legitimate concern about people exploiting the game just so you can throw up your arms and go "oh you think that's bad? I was in a game with a cheater! WAH WAH WAH"

Grow up.

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I love how people are literally crying their bodies out on locked servers' date=' creating threads at the exact SECOND the server go private ...



While crews and crews of cheaters are actually spawning high-end vehicles ( A-10 / T90's ) and weapons ( M107 TWS / MK16 / Anything you could imagine ) using random scripts and cheats, and destroying the mod in a more efficient and fast way than every locked server on earth could achieve.


Keep your fucking facts straight babies. If you want to cry over something cry over that. Because those guys, even at dabase level, can't be really permabanned.

y u so uptight? Second reply in this thread and you abused the words "Fucking" "cry" over and over, stop being such an ass. People spawning tanks are not a problem sherlock, i was yet to see it happen plus they'd probably get insta banned with such obvious cheating.

Also someone mentioned those locked servers were russian/brasilians, I can tell you from experience with ruskies from other games lol that they're no charity. Locked servers should just be banned and replaced with fresh servers as someone said, since there's so many servers in the "wait". I see no reason for a server to be locked. Hell I can imagine admins locking a server temporarily till someone quits, then unlocking it 4 their friends to join (Remember what rocket said about kicking?) and once again there's no reason to lock a server unless testing something important.

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It said 1.60.9 on it. But it was a dayz server. Non player made one.

Ah,I recognise that. That is the latest patch number for Operation Arrowhead, and if you don't have the Steam version you can actually miss the patch - like I did and not be allowed on any servers.

Just go to Bohemia's site and get the OA 1.60 patch and you will be fine. :)

Edit: Here, save some googling ..


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You have to be a pretty lame douchebag to farm gear on a completely safe server and then use it in a public one. Just sayin.

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This can happen on any server go to a place that has good loot, loot it join diff server rinse repeat ;(

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Yeah! How dare those people use their own money to pay for their own servers!


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Also, many clans use private servers where they cheat and glitch/spawn high end gear, and then go into public servers.

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Or they could be actually looking for bugs or passwording it temporarily for other purposes :V

there are several clans/groups with discussion board etc off the dayz fourms where they openly discuss using password-ed servers in order to camp areas like NW airfield/Stary military camp etc until all members of the group have the gear they want.

Just earlier today there were two threads one of /v/ and one on /vg/ of 4chan asking if any "bros" wanted to come on dayz password locked server and get some cool gear from NW airfield without having to worry about getting picked off.

Its optimistic to think these groups are searching for bugs etc but unless the server has members of the dayz dev team on it I think its naive to make that assumption.

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