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Some questions

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I just bought Arma 2 combined op. and I installed this mod/game. I have watched many videos on youtube about DayZ, but I cant figure out those questions.

1: Shall we start with a gun? (Cause I don't)

2: I haven't find a single person yet, only zombies, is it possible that I play single player, even if I have joined a online server?

3: How do I use bandage/pain killers/morphine fast and easy?

4: When I start with a flashlight, does it need batteries, or does it works anyway? (Cause it won't work -.-)

5: How do I make a group? If I want to play with friends and such?

It might be some noob questions there, because I haven't played it many times yet, but I will.

PS: I'm from Norway so my English aint that good, hope you understand it, and answere fast :)

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1. no


3. open your inventory and right click it and message will pop up saying use whatever

i dont know about the rest

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1: you don't start with a gun

2. to be honest this is probably a good thing, and if you connected to a server your online, theres no singleplayer version of DayZ

3. Press g and right click on them, thats the only way.

4. To use the flashlight you have to press 'L' on your keyboard.

5. you cant make a group, you just have to find each other

P.S your english is fine :)

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Thanks everyone for the fast replies! :) This will help me alot! :)

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Also, you need to equip your flashlight into your sidearm slot in order to use it.

Check the dayzwiki, you'll find very useful information and guides there.

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1. Everyone used too spawn with pistols but since the updates you have to find weapons yourself

2. Explore more trust me, there out there

3. Open up Gear Menu, press G right click on the bandage etc. And click bandage self.

4. Right click on the torch and click remove from toolbelt, then change to pistol(middle mouse) press L to turn on

5. Theres no actual process, just Go on Teamspeak or mic chat with mates (that's what I do) and get a group going

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And one more question, how do I set up a tent or make a fireplace? :)

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