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Vehicles. Where are they? Am I doing something wrong or..?

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Last night and the night before, my friend and I travelled all around the map, through many towns, checking vehicle spawns. We were at far out towns as well as the well populated towns. Later we got killed by hackers at the airfield so all the searching and tension moving through towns was for nothing. Why are there no vehicles anywhere? What is the best way to find a vehicle?

(The hackers weren't on the server we were looking on. There was a server restart on the server we were searching on and we just decided to go on another server to see if we could find vehicles elsewhere. This happened after all the searching.)

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in my base :D

vehicles are highly sought after, most servers will restart and then hit the server fast knowing where vehicles are going to be.

You may get lucky every now and then, but in the time you find one and get all the parts to it it is probably going to be gone by that time.

Your best bet is to look for a camp or join the teasmspeak of the server your joining and asking the clan if they have a spare vehicle.

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For me, it's all based on luck, i've found three cars in total , 2 in the middle of nowhere in the forest in some camp with 3-4 tents. And quadbike right next to Cherno on a road. So i guess it really depends where players leave them, where they spawn and so on. You'll find one eventually.

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vehicles are highly sought after, most servers will restart and then hit the server fast knowing where vehicles are going to be.

You may get lucky every now and then, but in the time you find one and get all the parts to it it is probably going to be gone by that time.

Vehicles are highly sought after, but server restart is not when they spawn. They each have their own "secret interval" which I believe is controlled by the hive and not revealed for exactly this reason.

Find out where the vehicles spawn and then periodically check those locations. You would be shocked at how often they re-appear. I have repaired the same pickup at the same location probably ~8 times across various servers and 2-3 times repeatedly on some servers.

But, yes, your best bet in the long run is to hunt the wilderness and steal pre-repaired vehicles. You don't have to do all the work of repairing, and the vehicles will come pre-packaged with a ton of great loot most of the time. ;)

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Everyone checks the vehicle spawn points, you will rarely find them there.

Most non-terrible vehicles are parked in hiding spots away from civilization. Trawl the forests west and north of the map and you should find some. Or just setup an ambush at a fuel station or well travelled road and wait (and wait, and wait).

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