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A Few Things I'd Like in DayZ @Rocket and Team

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Some things I'd like to see in the DayZ to come.

1. Character Journal

(optional) Player can make text entries. Day # automatically added at the top of the entry. Optional time entry if a watch is equipped.

2. Hunger/Thirst

The longer a character spends unfed/unhydrated = stacking of less coordination/dexterity (aim/stealth), vision impairment, slower speeds when traveling (on up to how it is now with starvation/dehydration), increase in damage taken, increased chance of sickness

3. Encumberance

(believe this is implemented with the ArmA3 mechanics)

4. Body Temperature

Affected by wet (from rain or other water)/time of day/running (should increase body temp even if slightly)

5. Infection

Affects body temperature + coordination/dexterity + speed + vision/increase in damage taken

6. Infected Investigation

Noise from a player should result in the infected investigating where the noise came from (like cans and bottles do). Full on aggro should only come from visual (line of sight) and gunfire

7. Infected spawns are independent of player vicinity.

-Zeds inhabit a specific area, independent of a player being there. As it is now, it's too easy to locate the presence of another player simply by watching for infected spawns.

8. Visual indication of humanity

I know some of these things have been mentioned as things that are being considered/worked on. Just think of this as a vote for them.

Anyone who would like to add to/argue against any of the above, have at it.

edit: for typo

Edited by EliJRn

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1) Suggested and planned

2) Not possible yet

3) Dafuq is this?

4) In the game already

5) Infection caused blood to decrease to 6000 (I think)

6) Agreed

7) Would cause lag atm, is already planned

8) Got removed, and might be added someway more subtle

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yeah, i like some of your ideas, and tweaks. It seems like anytime i start coming into a city, zombies just pop up around me, instead of already being there, and i occasionally have zombies spawn in the same house/building i'm in. (i know it's just Alpha stage) so there is plenty of time for those types of fixes, but your other ideas are cool, especially the character journal. i'd like to jot down notes about where things are and what stuff is worth while....and it'd be cool to be able to pick up other players' journals off their bodies (by any means) and read their notes, and maybe even get insights to locations they have remembered, and maybe even their base location WOOO! RECONNAISSANCE!

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Yea, I know some of these things are either already in to some extent or were tried and have been pulled back because it didn't work right (bandit skin). I'd like to see them pushed upon.

I'd really love the character journal. Maybe even with some way to export it to an integrated DayZ player profile page. Being able to loot one off a player corpse could add for some fun immersion as well.

@Testificate - They are including encumbrance in ArmA 3. That is, the more you're carrying, the heavier your gear is which would reflect at the very least in your speed of travel and likley the amount of noise you make, too.

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