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WalkerDown (DayZ)

Disconnecting ppl gone...

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Seems pretty obvious... but i'm enjoying the private servers so much now, for this simple reasons: there's no disconnectors at all (i mean ZERO), the reason is due to the fact that you won't have much more servers to connect to then.. since you're forced to reconnect to the same server in the same position .. first or late.

The game is so much better ... o so many level.. that i dunno where to start to describe it. :)

Problems: the amateur servers are a pain.. (cheaters, kid admins.. and such); but the "serious" ones (ie: admined by clans and adult ppl with a constant presence of admins to take care of cheatears and such) are a great place to play.

Now i don't want to invite ppl to play on the private servers (having many servers to chose from with a centralized DB is essential), but i wish to have the same type of gameplay on the official servers one day... disconnectors (and i don't mean only those that tries to avoid to be killed; but those others that reposition on a different server to pop at your back to shot at you) are ruining this mod, right after the cheaters.

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It is clear that Rocket needs to address this issue ASAP before more and more players are lured to the dark side of these unoffical private servers.

Less people playing on the offical servers means less people actually testing the game as intended.

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i me already lured =D, actually play on both servers, three hours each = D pvt one are better

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I think I tried a 'private' server (a private server is one with it's own database right?), didn't know they existed until then, but I prefer being able to jump across servers if 1 is laggy, or loot isn't dropping..

Personally I think official servers are not that bad, but the downside is the repositioning..

(Have only run into that once though)

Edited by TheHeavySoldier

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The game is a little more enjoying because you feel less the "pressure".. whenever you don't care at all about your gear (i usually don't), you can't simply ignore the fact that you spend a couple of days to have that NVG or AS50; on private servers this doesn't exists: you know you have many characters on many servers (more like regular games) and you do so much more things ... it's more common to find vehicles, you finally have a chance to repair and use a helicopter (last night i had great fun with it) ... and such.

I must admit that i don't play on official servers (mainly because of the latest issues with patches) by 5 days already..

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The game is a little more enjoying because you feel less the "pressure"

Funny, for many of us the pressure is the enjoyable part.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess. But I honestly don't believe you're playing DayZ anymore. You're playing a private mod that borrows DayZ assets, but it's not DayZ. DayZ has strangers in it who do strange things at strange times. Private servers are too controlled to ever truly recreate the core experience.

But have at it!

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Funny, for many of us the pressure is the enjoyable part.

I don't find much fun to loose the gear because of hackers/cheaters/bugs ... yeah it's alpha, so none shouldn't be attached to their gear, but you can't say it's fun! :)

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