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TheWalrus (DayZ)

New clan recruiting F.A.P (Friendly as pie) new reqs

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Anyone interested in teaming up add me I'm on GMT. Team work is definitely the key in this game :)

Steam name blueworld9

Skype blue-world9

Online now.

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im interested im currently in a group and im sure they'll be interest skype is phe0nixrizin and same for steam currently playing dayz

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skype name blitzscreen-

Send me a message ill be on all night

Edited by blitzscreen

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I'm down for it. Would be nice to finally play with some friendly survivors. Only ever met one and then he got killed by Zeds :(

Fairly experienced player of Arma 2 and DayZ.

Steam= AdamHodsdon399

i'm in the UK (I.E. GMT)

Edited by AdamHodsdon399

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i have been playing for about a week now and i feel like joining a nice group of people.

my steam and skype are: p84dude

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Im looking to join a sophisticated group of mates to pound some bandits and zombies with. Im fairly new but i do know the basics. I also have a mic and TS/Vent. I do not have skype though. Hit me up on steam (Reliquent)

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Tired of being paranoid & my 2 buddies who I play with aren't on much & I don't think they like the game as much as me.

Also logging out for another server everytime I hear a gun shot is getting annoying!

Steam Name: popaul87

Joined 5th Element, but always happy to play with friendly people, Always safer in numbers!

Edited by Popaul87

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Hey guys, I'm keen as mustard if you'll have me. I added the Clan Leader already. ( ***r )

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