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Vehicle (ATV) spazzing out and also not saving repairs

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I randomly found an ATV in the forest and partied hard because I'd never found one before. Anyway I drove it to Berezino by the docks - you can find an old fuel tank on the northernmost pier. I drove down the pier and the ATV jumped in the air then flipped to the side as if I'd hit a ramp or something. Through turning the wheels and reversing it very slowly righted itself and my heart started beating again. I refuelled it, got on, then tried driving away. I had a few feet in front and behind where it would act normally, but past that it would start going vertically, as if I were driving up a sheer invisible wall. I tried everything to get out of this invisible box, eventually culminating in a straightforward rush to see if this wall could be 'jumped'. It could not. ATV blew up and is no more.

Incidentally I managed to put it on its side once before, on the train tracks. Upon relogging it was correct again, but it had not saved the repairs I'd made to it - all bars were yellow once again. Fuel was saved however. Not sure if this was because it had been damaged when it tipped, or if vehicles are not saving properly?

Anyway - I would highly recommend noone tries driving on the piers.

Date/Time: 15/07/2012

What happened: ATV went full retard

Where you were: Berezino northern pier

What you were doing: Refuelling ATV

Current installed version:

Server(s) you were on: Seattle 39

Your system specs: Godlike

Timeline of events before/after error: See above

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