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Hacking in US 85.

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Everyone on the server was killed simultaneously on US 85. The time was about 11:10, Central Standard Time. Suspiciously, there were no WarDrivers admins online at that moment, when there had been several just ten minutes before. I am not necessarily accusing WD of admin abuse or hacking, but that is certainly what it seemed to many of the players that were online on the server at the time of the killing. If nothing else, the server has not been moderated to prevent repeat hackers, or for my knowledge, punish those who do.

Additionally, moments before everyone died, there was a helicopter hovering over Elektro, firing at survivors, and when I was in Balota just a moment before the server-wide killing, I looked north into the forest-line and saw the horizon on fire, with smoke rising from it. I figured it was a graphical bug, however, I had not witnessed one like it before, and question that it was a bug given the context of what followed. Though, I realize that neither of these two occurrences were necessarily indicative of hacking.

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"To my knowledge"

That right their shows what you know. Their are many posts outlining the powers the server admins have and can use. Also many mentioning how the pattern of hackers is going on right now. Read a little more please and educate yourself.

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"To my knowledge"

That right their shows what you know. Their are many posts outlining the powers the server admins have and can use. Also many mentioning how the pattern of hackers is going on right now. Read a little more please and educate yourself.

If you had read my post, then you would have realized that I was not blaming the admins. However, it may have been one of the admins who hacked. I'm not saying there is a console command or admin control over a server-wide killing. I just thought that the situation was worth reporting independent of the others problems that the server has experienced. I thought I was providing decent information.

Educate myself? Am I preparing for a bar exam, or is this a video game? As far as I was concerned, this was a board for posting suspected hacking.

Also, there*.

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If you had read my post, then you would have realized that I was not blaming the admins. However, it may have been one of the admins who hacked. I'm not saying there is a console command or admin control over a server-wide killing. I just thought that the situation was worth reporting independent of the others problems that the server has experienced. I thought I was providing decent information.

Educate myself? Am I preparing for a bar exam, or is this a video game? As far as I was concerned, this was a board for posting suspected hacking.

Also, there*.

OK, here I go... PLEASE DO NOT TELL ME, BEING THAT I AM AN ADMIN ON US85, THAT THE "server has not been moderated to prevent repeat hackers"!!!!!!!! I have spent COUNTLESS HOURS looking through logs files to see who did it! (Which I am presently doing now) FYI: There are only 2 admins to US85 myself and Streak. So though WD members are online and in our server it doesn't mean they have access to the server to do anything. If you have ever looked at a raw server log, it is a mess of shit if you don't know exactly what your looking at. I have been trying to educate myself in how to read them, but I am not as proficient as some other admins that have been playing ARMA 2 for sometime. So where it may take an "educated" admin 5 mins to figure out, it takes me fuck'n hrs. Even when it is known who it is, we try our best to make sure BEFORE we issue a ban. Provided they didn't spawn a chopper, for instance, right before my eyes at which point is a "see you fuck'n later".

On US85 we keep the server at the most recent dayz/beta builds the minute one is available. We have BattlEye running and as every other server should and rely on it to do its part. Unfortunately, it does not and the log files do not list who killed a player that was killed. If that was done it would make it quite obvious who killed a mass amount of people in a split second. In my opinion, that is all that would be need to be done, is to list who killed who and have it in the log files as well. ***HINT HINT***. how something like this has not yet been implemented in ARMA2 is BEYOND ME!!!

To end on this topic I would appreciate that if anything like this occurs on our server, US85, that it be posted on our website. I just happen to see this post and have just created a forum for just this shit here!

To those of you who don't believe...


Have a great day! ;-)

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This just happened yet again with practically no members in the server where 10 min before i saw 5 of them in there i suspect op is on to something

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To end on this topic I would appreciate that if anything like this occurs on our server, US85, that it be posted on our website. I just happen to see this post and have just created a forum for just this shit here!

Yeah, buddy. You and your clan have said that to differing people on several cases. However, this is precisely what this board is for. Do not expect users to register to your website specifically to report errors with the server. I am making a complaint to the developers or the community's moderators, not to your clan.

This just happened yet again with practically no members in the server where 10 min before i saw 5 of them in there i suspect op is on to something

Really only two conclusions can be drawn from these cases: WD leaves because a known hacker has logged on, or because they are harassing players with hacker of their own. Once again, that cannot be said with a certainty, but it furthers those conclusions since you experienced the same scenario.

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Yeah, buddy. You and your clan have said that to differing people on several cases. However, this is precisely what this board is for. Do not expect users to register to your website specifically to report errors with the server. I am making a complaint to the developers or the community's moderators, not to your clan.

Really only two conclusions can be drawn from these cases: WD leaves because a known hacker has logged on, or because they are harassing players with hacker of their own. Once again, that cannot be said with a certainty, but it furthers those conclusions since you experienced the same scenario.

Please, you think they hack when their own members are killed and complain too? You're dumb as a sack of rocks.

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btw, i feel really bad for the oneshot and streak because they spend so much time dealing with hackers. it's like everyday on this server or something. everytime they set up a camp it gets found within 24 hours. then the daily nuking and players spawing in choppas.

fuck that shit.

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Yeah, buddy. You and your clan have said that to differing people on several cases. However, this is precisely what this board is for. Do not expect users to register to your website specifically to report errors with the server. I am making a complaint to the developers or the community's moderators, not to your clan.

Really only two conclusions can be drawn from these cases: WD leaves because a known hacker has logged on, or because they are harassing players with hacker of their own. Once again, that cannot be said with a certainty, but it furthers those conclusions since you experienced the same scenario.

OK, this will be my last post in the DayZ forums regarding the day to day shit Streak and I deal with. To those that think that something shady is going on on our server... THEN DON'T PLAY ON OUR SERVER... DO ME A FUCKING FAVOR... PLEASE! I am not wasting my time replying to morons that sit here and cry about hackers in our server and then say that it must be an admin. So yeah, I am pretty much done here! Here is something to remember me by ..!.,

PS- The Devs don't RUN our server we do!!! You have a better chance posting on our site then posting in here.

PSS... Please use the fuck'n spellchecker... you look like a MORON posting misspellings when there is one available!

To the Devs- your more then welcome to the server logs... I have them all!



Edited by -WD- OneShotX
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Oh man....

Everyone on the server was killed simultaneously on US 85. The time was about 11:10, Central Standard Time. Suspiciously, there were no WarDrivers admins online at that moment, when there had been several just ten minutes before. I am not necessarily accusing WD of admin abuse or hacking, but that is certainly what it seemed to many of the players that were online on the server at the time of the killing. If nothing else, the server has not been moderated to prevent repeat hackers, or for my knowledge, punish those who do.

Additionally, moments before everyone died, there was a helicopter hovering over Elektro, firing at survivors, and when I was in Balota just a moment before the server-wide killing, I looked north into the forest-line and saw the horizon on fire, with smoke rising from it. I figured it was a graphical bug, however, I had not witnessed one like it before, and question that it was a bug given the context of what followed. Though, I realize that neither of these two occurrences were necessarily indicative of hacking.

You have no idea how many hours I and oneshot spend looking at logs and banning hackers. For you to say "If nothing else, the server has not been moderated to prevent repeat hackers, or for my knowledge, punish those who do." is a joke. I see why oneshot is so pissed. Until you have a server of your own.... You have no idea what Admins have to do. We spend more time dealing with hackers and making the server run well then we do playing DayZ. You need to think before you type.

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Really only two conclusions can be drawn from these cases: WD leaves because a known hacker has logged on, or because they are harassing players with hacker of their own. Once again, that cannot be said with a certainty, but it furthers those conclusions since you experienced the same scenario.

Maybe because there is only two admins for our server. Me and Oneshot..... We maybe have a job in real life and work??????? So what do members do when a hacker is on the server and we are WORKING...... Stay online and lose there gear they worked hard to get...... Or log off to save there gear???? Please get a life. Maybe we will look into getting more admins.... But that's for me to decide... Not you.

Oh also GG on the fact you made another account to say it JUST HAPPENED AGAIN..... Grow up kid.

Edited by Streak

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Everyone on the server was killed simultaneously on US 85. The time was about 11:10, Central Standard Time. Suspiciously, there were no WarDrivers admins online at that moment, when there had been several just ten minutes before. I am not necessarily accusing WD of admin abuse or hacking, but that is certainly what it seemed to many of the players that were online on the server at the time of the killing. If nothing else, the server has not been moderated to prevent repeat hackers, or for my knowledge, punish those who do.

Additionally, moments before everyone died, there was a helicopter hovering over Elektro, firing at survivors, and when I was in Balota just a moment before the server-wide killing, I looked north into the forest-line and saw the horizon on fire, with smoke rising from it. I figured it was a graphical bug, however, I had not witnessed one like it before, and question that it was a bug given the context of what followed. Though, I realize that neither of these two occurrences were necessarily indicative of hacking.

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