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Stary Sobor a waste of time?

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Instead of going for the tents like a fly, go for the sniper first.

You knew (or should have known) the risks when entering highly contested loot spots. Didn't make sure they were safe first? Too bad.

I mean, all you need to do is go down from the hillside towards the tents or take a look across the hillside with your binoculars. You fell into a trap, deal with it.

Edited by integ3r

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Instead of going for the tents like a fly, go for the sniper first.

You knew (or should have known) the risks when entering highly contested loot spots. Didn't make sure they were safe first? Too bad.

I mean, all you need to do is go down from the hillside towards the tents or take a look across the hillside with your binoculars. You fell into a trap, deal with it.

Your argument is invalid seeing as they were server hopping and logged in just as I was at the tents.

You would have known that if you read the full post.

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Vybor is the only town worth going to besides the big 3. Deer stands are as good as any military spawn except for NWAF(barracks, but bad sniper zone) and heli crashes.

Stary tents just have a lot of spawns in one place. But snipers....and even zeds love to walk thru there, shoot one, bring the horde.

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Not just snipers in and of themselves, the whole area around Stary is rampant with server hoppers. I find Stary is never worth the trouble, I'd say its more dangerous than NWAF even.

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If you go to Stary your gonna have a bad time~


It's a risk. Like other places that often spawn high grade weapons a lot of predators go there as well as players looking for upgrades. Personally I went there only twice and both the last few days. Almost got killed but somehow made it away with 2k blood and no I did not log or DC the guy didn't chase probably.

I find the Airfield to be better. Somehow I have yet to run into more than one player at the NW AF but he was a server hopper who tried to camp the north bunker.

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You guys must not be playing it right cuz ive only been killed there once... maybe twice... enter from the northern side where the snipers hide. Or are you all call of duty players not trained to use ur brain? lmao

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if there is one other guy, he is either at NW airfield barracks or the Stary Tents

you can bet money on it

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Had the same problem but I went and found a shotgun then ran a wide circle around the tree line, found a sniper and mowed him down. Payday! Tons of loot. Much better than the tents.

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i snipe near stary sometimes

Tips: go with friends and keep a tight formation(a human-centipede would be great), make all kinds of noises, rush into the tents without checking possible sniper nests, wear chemlight on u or use flashlight during the night

:) GL mate

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I was way north of Stary this morning out in a field of nowhere and I got sniped. I wish this game tells you how you die, or wtf happens sometimes. Then you have to wait 20 minutes to repsawn with nothing but being super far away from where you died and spend another 4 hours to find 1 pack of matches. In 4-5 days of putting 4+ hours in a day. I've come across 2 packs of matches so playing solo sucks balls. Gathering all the supplys so that you can stay alive by you're self sucks. What makes it suck more, is there's no chat to form groups or find the legit players who just want to survive. So you're just helplessly alone and then you get all these fucking assholes with the loot already camping the spots that you get the loot from which makes for a terrible expierence.

IMO you should spawn at you're tent when you die, and you're tent should spawn in whenever you're logged in.

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Just stopped by Stary about 11 minutes ago.

Came out with an AKM, 150 rounds, coyote backpack, GPS, morphine, a frag grenade and a few smoke grenades.

Did this while my friend covered my from the ridgeline above with an M107 constantly looking for hostiles.

I felt safe and came away with plenty of loot.

So I would say Stary is fine if you know what you're doing.

If you go there alone and expect a free ride, though, well you will get lucky but sometimes your face will get shot into mashed potatoes.

I love this post, it is so true. People actually expect they can just waltz right in there, maybe they got lucky once or twice. I am here to tell them though, if you go to Stary and make it out without any contact then go buy a lottery ticket because on a full server Stary is just as hot as anywhere else.

There is only two ways to do Stary. Fresh spawn, patrol pack and (hopefully) and Makarov (I have done this, it's fun). The other way is have a sniper on overwatch and at most 2 people at the tents. Done it many times, I have never died at Stary.

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I was way north of Stary this morning out in a field of nowhere and I got sniped. I wish this game tells you how you die, or wtf happens sometimes.

I love that it does not tell you. I also think death messages, tags, 3rd person, cross hairs and while you are at it just get rid of the hud (would need some way to look down and see what firing mode and how much ammo ). But that is all stuff for the standalone I am sure.

Anyways you died because you were not careful. Don't think I am talking down to you, because I am not. I die all the time and every time it is because I was not careful enough.

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Go in stary at night using either memory to navigate or blue chemlights, blue chems can't be seen from a far enough distance.

I logged out in one of the Stary military tents the other day for lunch and while logging back in I had a guy pointing a gun at me as soon as my character spawned. He and another person were in the middle of looting the tents, fortunately they let me go.

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I don't understand why you guys think Stary is so dangerous. What you need to do on your way into Stary is look for zombie spawns.

If there are snipers anywhere on the entire north hill, then they will spawn zombies that will walk somewhat up the slope towards the hill. If there are snipers in the bushes to the northeast, they will most likely have to be so close that they will also spawn zombies, specifically the military zombies around the tents.

You then have the big metal "barn" blocking a lot of the view from the southeast, and if there are snipers directly south-southwest, they won't be able to hit you if you're running between tents as the distance is too great.

So the key is to come in from an angle where you can see zombie spawns before you yourself spawn them. I like to come in from the south and sneak my way to the metal barn. This is a lot simpler if you have a silenced weapon. From there you can scout out the entire area and proceed to loot the tents.

Edited by Langdal
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