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PhreaK (DayZ)

Bandit skins

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i know this has probally been seen over too. and thought over and over agian about. but having bandit skins where a nice tribute to the game. and was a nice effect in the game. now not showing bandit skins makes it harder for others to determine if the enemy / player they're currently speaking to / typing is a friend or foe and is trustable or not...

i mean havgin 1-2 kills and bandit skin is bad for sure.. but what about making the skin kills higher such as 10 kills? or 6-10? having the bandit skin adds some nice effects to the game and help out with others not sticking with the original boring old skin and people with the civilian skin can debate if you ask friendly towards other players wearing citizen skin.




R.I.P Skins!! <3

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Bandit skins do help players identify... well.. bandits. But what about the people who kill in self defense?

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If we were trying to simuate a zombie apocalypse, then the last thing a bandit would do would be to get dressed up in bandit clothes and run around as a target to everybody.

That being said, i think there was a lot more cooperative play when bandit skins were active, because there was a trust factor implicit with the skin. Survivor skin.. no/few murders = more trustworthy. I didn't like the loss of the bandit skins at the time, but I've come around.

This has morphed into a different genre of game, one in which the feelings of paranoia, fear and self preservation run deep. Don't trust anyone you don't have on comms.. Anyone can betray you at anytime, anywhere... Sounds pretty real to me.

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No. Read the damn stickies and keep up with the mod news before you make these posts.

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i did read the stickies i'm just trying to get the skins back tho. as i said they're a great tribute to the game for new players.. i've managed to get a few friends to play and they die to people wearing the civilian skins and they're confused on whats going on around them..

but if you're trying to stop the post why post?

and to the people that kill in self defense that's they're problem if they don't wanna trust anyone that's entirely up to them but just having skins to determine other around them would be nice to have back..

Edited by PhreaK

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i did read the stickies i'm just trying to get the skins back tho. as i said they're a great tribute to the game for new players.. i've managed to get a few friends to play and they die to people wearing the civilian skins and they're confused on whats going on around them..

but if you're trying to stop the post why post?

Rocket removed them for a reason. He said that making bandits noticeable by putting bandit rags on them is silly. They aren't coming back, and thats a fact.
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Bandit skins aren't going to come back, rocket has said in the future he wants players to have their own unique skins.

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Hope it's in the next patch, highly doubtful but I hope.

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how about a nice in between?

have it be a low-medium (10-30% or 10-40%) chance of a bandit skin spawning on a player who is killed by another player.

that way Bandits are not FORCED TO GET BANDIT SKIN IF MURDERING... so they can remain anonymous, while those who liked the different look... can kill a few/many people(depending on % chance) and possibly find a skin. THIS would also have the added benefit of ... the bandito must leave his 'fortress/tower' to go into the fields and loot..


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I agree though. Bandit skin removal hurt the mod more than it helped.

It turned the game into instant deathmatch. Everyone fires on each other.

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Is there any topic about bandit skin idea, i would like to see it back too...

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It turned the game into instant deathmatch. Everyone fires on each other.

Except, you know, the fact that life expectancy has gone up and murder and banditry rates down since they were removed.

Don't let me intrude on your forum fantasyland, though.

Bandit skins are gone for good.

Better systems for player categorization have been proposed.

Stop asking for their return.

It's not going to happen.


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i dislike deathmatch players but i dislike bandit skins even more. Just means people will be shoot on sight even more.

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