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Why servers are failing.

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So the reason servers are failing is because most players are indeed playing this game for the zombie aspect and yes servers have pvp because pvp is a cool aspect of the game. However, a large portion of players seem to be friendly and dont shoot on site and will try to communicate frendliness then get shot in the back..yeah, u can understand the frustration with these players. The lack of server admins who PAY to have these servers yet cannot even put a password protection for clans only to play (not just the clan that bought the server) and getting shutdown for kicking probable cheaters, only to have the cheaters themselves go and slander the server on these forums and get them shut down. A server admin who pays to run a server should have the right to kick and ban any player they please. If they need to define why, i should see no real problem, player wasnt following that server admins own set of rules. Another thing is why? Can the server admins not have these set of rules? If you want tthis mod to continue to succeed is establish an information log on the servers to allow the server admins own rules for pvp, teamspeask, etc. As long as they have the option to set personal rules for servers i see no further problem with surver issues in day z. People will PAY to play the mod and buy servers IF they are actually allowed to run them.


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It is VERY weird that we cant password our servers, especially with all the hackers, but as it is in an alpha I have hopes that these kinds of server restrictions wont make it into the gold release.

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if you allow admins to password their servers or kick for anyreason, it gives them power to restrict the player base.

now you might ask, why is having people who want to play friendly have a server for themselves? because it skews the data. players are playing the mod with a restriction not in the game, and it messes the alpha testing up.

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If you restrict access to a server you are gaining an unfair advantage. You can loot without worry of other players. Horde loot in tents. etc

So when your out PvP ing in another server and die, just pop back to your "locked server" ,regear at your tents and go PvPing etc again.

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if this mod gets turned into a real standalone game the only option are servers that are run by the company releasing this game. just imagine d3 or any similar game with player run servers and all the abuse that is possible. if you kill an admin he can restart the server. since you were not able to log out in time before the restart the kill will not get saved. and so on and so on. player run servers wont work for games like dayz.

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I don't think that with a central database oriented game like DayZ that locking servers would fly. Clans could lock themselves in and loot until they had everything they needed to raid other servers. It's already happening. But we are in the Alpha stage so we'll see.

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If you restrict access to a server you are gaining an unfair advantage. You can loot without worry of other players. Horde loot in tents. etc

So when your out PvP ing in another server and die, just pop back to your "locked server" ,regear at your tents and go PvPing etc again.

why on earth would someone pay for their own server to go and play on someone elses?

This is a common mis-conception, it's stupid too.

People buy servers to call home.. just like bf3, cod, gta san andreas, arma 2 and whatever else.

@thread, more and more "unofficial" hive servers appear everyday and you all know why, so they have there own communities where they play on one server only, which is proof that people do not do it to hoard and gain "unfair advantages" on anyone.

They do it because the current rules are not great for server hosters and want to play with people who care about the server and the people who play on it.

When this game goes stand-alone there will be community servers, it won't survive without them, any other game that releases something big lets people rent servers, this is why popular games from years ago and today still get played everyday because of the community-driven servers, some guys shelling out money every other month for you to play.

At the moment you only need to sneeze and there is a 50 page thread of "admin abuse" in these forums.

Unfortunately this community is not the greatest and some people feel entitled to play on servers but are not willing to help in the community and support it.

The mod is already seen a severe drop in players and then a new load come in to increase the numbers, but overall a decline in intrest, it will only get worse.

Rocket will need to be much faster with updates, look over his current mindset of hosting rules and start looking into the future - he once said people shouldn't be forced to play only 1 way, when everyone currently is..

Edited by MessHall
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The problem is that there are stat trackers on the dayz site. So just like MW3 and 2 in order to rank you need consistency. Thats why they took away the power to admin.

HOWEVER. I refuse to put more money into a server where I spend obsessive HOURS into building a character, weapons, food, drinks items. Just to have it stripped away by careless bandits that care about nothing other than Murders.

The game is not just becoming more boring, but its starting to anger me.

Again. I wont put another cent into our server. We have had it for 1 month, its in our favorites, we have built all our bases. now lets let someone else pay for it. Heck you cant even name the server as you see fit..

Can you say GhaY!

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@thread, more and more "unofficial" hive servers appear everyday and you all know why, so they have there own communities where they play on one server only, which is proof that people do not do it to hoard and gain "unfair advantages" on anyone.

They do it because the current rules are not great for server hosters and want to play with people who care about the server and the people who play on it.

I actually like this idea. Remove myself from the hive and play how I want.

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having the power to lock you server just sounds stupid to me and isnt in the spirit of the game...yes we have hackers that we have to deal with and yes we have disconnecters, but not having the random people coming on and doing stuff kinda makes it redundant. theres no sense of danger, yes there are bandits everywhere that sit at elektro and snipe newbies...but thats part of the game...if you risk going into elektro with all your weeks and weeks of character progress...well then you arent very smart are you.

when...the script stuff starts getting sorted out and the disconnecters get punished for disconnecting then you will see a much more 'balanced' game...with a personal hive...3 weeks of the exact same people and admins rules like 'no pvp' man that would be boring as batshit...if the servers could hold say 5000people sure...that would be ok for a personal hive but 40 people...cmon.

specterm - go play a private server then...clearly DayZ is just to hard for you.

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why on earth would someone pay for their own server to go and play on someone elses?

This is a common mis-conception, it's stupid too.

People buy servers to call home.. just like bf3, cod, gta san andreas, arma 2 and whatever else.

@thread, more and more "unofficial" hive servers appear everyday and you all know why, so they have there own communities where they play on one server only, which is proof that people do not do it to hoard and gain "unfair advantages" on anyone.

They do it because the current rules are not great for server hosters and want to play with people who care about the server and the people who play on it.

When this game goes stand-alone there will be community servers, it won't survive without them, any other game that releases something big lets people rent servers, this is why popular games from years ago and today still get played everyday because of the community-driven servers, some guys shelling out money every other month for you to play.

At the moment you only need to sneeze and there is a 50 page thread of "admin abuse" in these forums.

Unfortunately this community is not the greatest and some people feel entitled to play on servers but are not willing to help in the community and support it.

The mod is already seen a severe drop in players and then a new load come in to increase the numbers, but overall a decline in intrest, it will only get worse.

Rocket will need to be much faster with updates, look over his current mindset of hosting rules and start looking into the future - he once said people shouldn't be forced to play only 1 way, when everyone currently is..


This needs to be a sticky lol.

My hat goes off to you sir.

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Lock all the servers!

Restart all the servers!

Loot all the barracks loot!


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having the power to lock you server just sounds stupid to me and isnt in the spirit of the game...yes we have hackers that we have to deal with and yes we have disconnecters, but not having the random people coming on and doing stuff kinda makes it redundant. theres no sense of danger, yes there are bandits everywhere that sit at elektro and snipe newbies...but thats part of the game...if you risk going into elektro with all your weeks and weeks of character progress...well then you arent very smart are you.

when...the script stuff starts getting sorted out and the disconnecters get punished for disconnecting then you will see a much more 'balanced' game...with a personal hive...3 weeks of the exact same people and admins rules like 'no pvp' man that would be boring as batshit...if the servers could hold say 5000people sure...that would be ok for a personal hive but 40 people...cmon.

specterm - go play a private server then...clearly DayZ is just to hard for you.

i do agree that locking is retarded, i also think that banning people for inappropriate things is lame also, but there needs to be more power in the hands of server admins. someone feels they are unfairly banned they can always appeal on this forum. but at present admins dont bother watching their servers... i ahve been in dozens if not more than 100 servers already and only ever seen 1 admin logged in EVER. that is the biggest issue, real issues are not dealt with because admins cant do anything to fix them and therefore do not watch their servers like bf3 cod and so on clans are able to. the real death of the game will be god mode hackers and aimbotters that aren't banned for it because the admins are too scared to ban anyone.

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I do find that at presant server admins are getting a rough ride, due to all this talk about admin abuse.

Yet if it wasn't for server admins going out of there way to host servers, nobody would be playing DayZ,

Maybe all these players who cry admin abuse should get out there cash and run there own DayZ servers

and follow the rules as set out at presant.

Only then would they know what its like for admins who are trying there best to run there servers for the

DayZ community as fair as possible, so that the DayZ community don't have to put up with cheats, hacks,

Alt F4ers, server hoppers and so on. Just so they can have a great time playing what is a great mod.

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i do agree that locking is retarded, i also think that banning people for inappropriate things is lame also, but there needs to be more power in the hands of server admins. someone feels they are unfairly banned they can always appeal on this forum. but at present admins dont bother watching their servers... i ahve been in dozens if not more than 100 servers already and only ever seen 1 admin logged in EVER. that is the biggest issue, real issues are not dealt with because admins cant do anything to fix them and therefore do not watch their servers like bf3 cod and so on clans are able to. the real death of the game will be god mode hackers and aimbotters that aren't banned for it because the admins are too scared to ban anyone.

Oh I'm logged in via rcon a lot, but he'll if I'll admin log in to play. That just attracts every tool living in moms basement to yell that I stole their weapons, teleported them, ate their porridge or slept with their girlfriend...... No thanks, I'd rather they not know I was online at that point....

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Oh I'm logged in via rcon a lot, but he'll if I'll admin log in to play. That just attracts every tool living in moms basement to yell that I stole their weapons, teleported them, ate their porridge or slept with their girlfriend...... No thanks, I'd rather they not know I was online at that point....

i haven't had this yet...although with no side chat im sure that its probably being said :P

at the end of the day...i just screenshot all my interactions and go from there...not much else( helps having 8+ players on most of the time that can tell me if something is wrong ie. hackers/helis etc etc) atleast then i can shut the server down for a while and then restart usually the hackers get bored by then lol.

at the end of the day im happy to pay for it because i know when the server is guna restart and when it isnt, and if there is a problem i can restart for the fix (i usually always give warnings before i reset...although my every 6hrs restart hasnt got an auto warning yet....owel :P)

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Sorry, why are servers failing? I don't see servers failing. They are doing their job just fine. Hosting an Alpha Test. That's all they need to do and that's what they are doing. I don't see any servers failing in that respect.

When people ( some server hosts included ) realize that these servers are here for play testing not real play then there will be fewer of these pointless threads. What you should realize is that this is a base test bed for things to come. Things will change, but at the minute it needs to be this way to reduce certain variables that would adversely effect such a test.

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