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Running speed...? How does it work?

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How does running speed work! all my friends blow my guy away! I'm like the fat guy just chilling in the back :)

Is it randomized with you character in creation?

Does it have something to do with youre weight?

Please help or let me know how to speed up my character

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you get tired, so you run slower, if you ever got onto a server with crosshairs, the crosshairs widen out away from the dot as you get more tired, and close back into the dot when you catch your breath.

Edit: and if you have your sidearm out it seems you run faster as well

Edited by Naein

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Framerate also effects it. Low FPS will drastically reduce movement speed.

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you get tired, so you run slower, if you ever got onto a server with crosshairs, the crosshairs widen out away from the dot as you get more tired, and close back into the dot when you catch your breath.

Edit: and if you have your sidearm out it seems you run faster as well

For some reason I always noticed the exact opposite. For me it seems that if I have my primary out, I run just a hair faster than I would with a sidearm. No idea why.

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With primary: faster upright running

With sidearm: faster crouch running

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Nothing random about it. The game has no system to account for weight carried either. There does seem to be a fatigue system in place (you can hear the labored breathing) but I have never been able to sense a slower run speed from it, as far as I can tell the fatigue only affects your aim.

If you are running slow, odds are either your CPU or GPU (or both are not up to snuff). My buddy had a sprint speed of about 65% of mine for the last six weeks until I gave him an old 4870 GPU I had laying around. He now sprints at exactly the same pace as me.

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