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Logging Off Timer

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A timer needs to be added for logging off. If you're attacking someone they can just quickly quit the game and not lose any of their stuff.

A guy attack me and my group, managed to kill 1 of us and logged off before we could finish him off. A little 10 second time would be an easy solution. Or their player is still in the world for 10 seconds after log off.

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No because this game is glitchy and it's just as unfair to me having survived for quite a while now when the ladder I'm climbing says "FUCK YOU" and knocks me off for no reason, causing me to fall and go unconscious while every zombie in the area is alerted to me and starts eating me. If that gets fixed (it won't because it's been like that since ArmA 2 came out) then I would approve.

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enough about the ladder already... it's as if you don't know what a mess ArmA's engine is in terms of physics

if you think an exploit such as this will remain in the game only because you're afraid you'll glitch and "lose all your stuff", you have another thing coming.

I have a solution for you: don't climb ladders.

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When you hear flies and you know a ladder is nearby, always check it!

On the original topic: I don't know if Arma's engine would allow this, maybe something along the lines of an 'AI' dummy taking over when a player logs off unless they go through some complex menus. For a few seconds of course, then the AI unit gets removed.

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Amusingly enough, I've only had issues with stairs. (I literally fell THROUGH them.)

Ladders seem fine for me for the most part as long as I'm careful at the top and let ALL animations finish before moving.

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The only thing that matters is what you're carrying: Having a pistol out means you drop in most cases, having a primary out means you make it to the top.

Now if we could do something about spawning inside of a building and breaking all my legs... or having Z's alert and attack through walls or while you are above them...

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I like this idea. You have to be prone for 10 seconds or so to log-out. Logging out immediately will have some effect, like losing random items, blood, hunger, or humanity. Running into a closet and pressing three buttons is not a viable survival strategy.

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It's hilarious how mad everyone gets over this. It's happened to me multiple times, but it's little more than an annoyance.

MAX: Thanks for the -1 rep and calling me a "F**GOT". How very insightful of you.:heart:

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Good god, even this has been mentioned in more than one thread already. Somebody buy a search box already...

There is no way to stop a player from alt-F4 just like there is no way to keep you from instantly disconnecting when a thunderstorm takes out your power or the internet.

The best you can hope for is, as already suggested many times, an optional disconnect method (like a mouse wheel menu option) that is the only way to save your gear and location and yes, would come with a timer (15-30 seconds is quite a bit actually). If you get shot in that length of time you are returned to "in character" and must either defend yourself, escape, or start the timer again. Rinse and repeat. I personally like this idea especially if a third person view from above was given so you have a bit better idea of your surroundings while watching the timer count down. Once the timer is started taking physical damage is the ONLY way to stop it, to prevent the third person overhead from being exploited.

Sooner or later it sounds like each server will have it's own dedicated database. This means no more cross-server persistency and also an end to server hopping to exploit gear. Along with dedicated server dbs I hope that automatic "save time" is greatly extended, perhaps every 20-60 min. instead of seconds like it is now. No longer automatically save character location and gear, only on using the optional disconnect suggestion from the above paragraph. Alt-F4 escapes would almost instantly become a thing of the past, in a fair manner.

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I don't think having the save time raised would be any good. How is that fair? How is it good to have someone lose 60 mins of their progress because of an accidental DQ? Characters should save regularly because that's who you are. All your actions and loot should be as persistent as possible.

A solution might be to have the character data remain active on the server for 30 seconds after the player dqs. They can quit the game after getting shot or attacked, but their character (or a representation of it) will remain behind in game momentarily to face whatever consequences they were trying to avoid.

Smart players will log off in safe areas. Shitty, alt-f4ing players will be faced with a choice: dq and let their character sit there like a mannequin, vulnerable to the threat they're cheaply running from OR carry on playing, take their best chance and try and fight their way out of it.

It need only be a couple of seconds.

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Your solution IS my solution, in effect. The only difference is that I perceive the need to be able to rejoin the game and defend yourself if you are attacked while watching that timer count down.

I also want to discourage alt-f4 DQ's by simply removing their character state (gear, location, etc.) by doing anything other than the optional save I've outlined. In effect, alt-F4 = dying. As it stands right now if you alt-f4 you can rejoin with everything saved. This has to be stopped. As there is no way to prevent a player from alt-f4 (or an accidental DQ for that matter) I'd rather see it applied the same as if the character had died rather then mess around with complicated server save states on a character that is no longer under player control. This still has the same desired features without all the hassles. Alt-f4, your character drops dead to be looted or hidden or whatever.

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Your solution IS my solution' date=' in effect. The only difference is that I perceive the need to be able to rejoin the game and defend yourself if you are attacked while watching that timer count down.[/quote']

Agreed here.

I also want to discourage alt-f4 DQ's by simply removing their character state (gear, location, etc.) by doing anything other than the optional save I've outlined. In effect, alt-F4 = dying. As it stands right now if you alt-f4 you can rejoin with everything saved. This has to be stopped. As there is no way to prevent a player from alt-f4 (or an accidental DQ for that matter) I'd rather see it applied the same as if the character had died rather then mess around with complicated server save states on a character that is no longer under player control.

Disagree. It's surely not that complicated to have a player's character data remain in server for an extra 10 seconds post DC. This short amount of time is the difference between life and death, generally, so 10 seconds of guaranteed vulnerability on alt-f4 disconnect would give quitters the incentive not to do it. Also, in the case of accidental DCs the player's character would likely survive (except in combat, but not much is to be done about that).

This still has the same desired features without all the hassles. Alt-f4, your character drops dead to be looted or hidden or whatever.

It would cause far more hassles if a disconnect or computer lockup caused you to lose your entire character. The reason people alt-f4 is because they're about to be killed. If you keep their character on the server for 10 seconds, post disconnect, but out of their control they going to die just the same. This would stop people alt-f4ing when shot at because it would guarantee death, where as sticking in and fighting back (something they don't do at present) would give them a chance. You can't stop people alt-f4ing... you can only give them the incentive not to. Making it instant character death is far too prone to problems to function fairly when all that is needed is a couple seconds of disconnection vulnerability.

If you're not in a fight 10 seconds isn't an issue. You log off somewhere safe anyway, don't you? If you are in a fight, that ten seconds is ten seconds for someone else to finish killing you like they would have if you'd never disconnected anyway.

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