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Powell (DayZ)

I play DayZ to Roleplay

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Again, pretty much a whole post of insult. Classy. You say I'm "nerd raging", but I don't see anywhere where I was aggressive toward you. In fact, it has been the opposite. So far, you have just proven yourself to be a hateful troll. I will, however, amuse myself by giving you the satisfaction of a reply. I will reiterate, since you didn't get it the first time. Trolling players on a game is not an "approach" to said game. It is a guy who is so bored with his life, he plays a game he doesn't enjoy. I'm sorry that I assumed that bashing a game for being boring and dull means you dislike it. I guess someone should go change the definition of the word. I'd also like to point out that you contradicted yourself within your own post. First, you said "it's a sandbox and you make your own fun", but then you said "the standard approach to the game". If it is, as you claim, a game where you make your own fun, how can there be a standard approach to the game. It is the approach that you originally took, not the one everyone else did. Also, the survival aspect is not a joke. I will say this once again, since you missed it before. Use your imagination. Give yourself a handicap. Find some other people to fuck around with. Do something to entertain yourself instead of assuming the game designed to "make your own fun" will do it for you.

Aha. I'm playing the game wrong. Of course. In order to make the survival aspect an actual threat, I should handicap myself from using all that the mod offers me. I'd never seen it until now. Thank you for enlightening me. In order to enjoy the game, I have to prohibit myself from utilizing part of it. Got it.

Edited by Ywain

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Aha. I'm playing the game wrong. Of course. In order to make the survival aspect an actual threat, I should handicap myself from using all that the mod offers me. I'd never seen it until now. Thank you for enlightening me. In order to enjoy the game, I have to prohibit myself from utilizing part of it. Got it.

*sigh* Do you really still not get it? I'm not... nevermind. I'm pretty sure you're just trolling at this point.

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Oh no, I get it. This game is unfinished and has a poor survival system that's only challenging to people like you that are bad/new at the game.

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Absolutely 100% agreed on the need to restrict military grade gear - i made a post recently about this on suggestions too!

We deal with server hoppers and meta-gaming and or exploits (however you want to term it) when the incentive to grab the 'super weapons' and to play in a style that sees players routinely go to the same spots to collect them - by... replacing them with more short to medium ranged weapons.

There is nothing wrong with PVP but lets face it, if you put a few weapons at a disproportionate advantage on the map, that provide an incentive for a very specific type of meta-play then there will be some who doggedly pursue it... Just as there are superficial people in real life - so there will be those in the game running to grab the bling...

Except in real life (and as it should be in a survival game) there is not usually an unlimited respawning supply of high tech military gear...

If everyone had bolt actions, shotguns, pistols and the freedom to customise characters, skills and or build bases - manipulate the environment (even more) then we'd see less superficial character behaviour too from these kinds of individuals.

:) So im glad this is being raised, and im glad those raising the issue can brave the bs thrown at them by some folks here on these threads!

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I don't beleive we should ELIMINATE military weapons, just make them far less likely to spawn.

Also, the idea for having a weight system to items is absolutely brilliant. Being able to run around with an M4, a .50cal sniper, a pistol, and a backpack full of food/ammo/medical supplies is a little rediculous.

I think i'm going to follow the roleplay route and limit my character to the basics. Maybe it will put new life into the game.

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Again, take the military equipment and PvP out and you've got Dead Island. That game already exists. We don't need to make it again.

Wrong. You'd have cqb-based pvp.

The pvp would be more intense than ever really, because of the risk of zed aggro to everyone involved.

Who said anything about taking pvp out?

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