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Rapant hacking on US 847 #LOTC's 2nd Official

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Was on the server earlier tonight. Watched a player in a truck, named Undead, take 10 rounds from an M107, get out to fix the tires, take 10 rounds from the M107, fix the tires and drive away. Same player was seen a few minutes later, firing an M107 with no sound. Shots not producing sound was confirmed by multiple players, so it wasn't my sound bugging. Another player, Himesisgod, ran up to another player, player empties an entire AKS Kobra magazine into Himesisgod, and Himes lives through it, and kills other player. Himes then takes 10 rounds from an M107, and lives through it, and kills the player with the M107. Also saw people in chat talking of taking fire from places where they could see muzzle flashes, but character was not displaying. The server is also kind of laggy/buggy, which I am assuming is due to so many foreign scripts or 3rd party programs being run. I will be avoiding this server completely and would advise other players to do the same.

EDIT: Due to fast action of server admin, this server is back on my playable list. I would still watch out for above players on other servers, and notify admins of them if possible. Thanks again Vaquxine!

Edited by hopesfall

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Hey hopesfall,

I'm the admin of the #LOTC network, I'm looking into this report right now, will update this post once I've found more information about it...

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Ok, found Undead and the scripts he ran in the log.

Undead ( 634f4f25d040ad696ffda5cf89b04818

He's been permanently banned from our network. As for this other possible hacker, Himesisgod, I don't see any malicious scripts under his account... could you give me a more specific time of that instance? It could also be that it was just desync / server lag.

P.S. Thanks for reporting this, helps a lot ^.^.

Edited by Guest

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Vaquxine, you just earned beans. I think this is one of the fastest and most appropriate responses from a server admin I've seen. Good work. :)

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Today, like 5:30pm to 7:30ish PST I would say.

Sorry, had to AFK for a bit. Looking into this instance now...

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Ah, got him.

Himesisgod ( 424923b68b0d5d23e0015dec38bc291b

Looks like he has some godmoding scripts going on. Banned from network. Thanks once again for your reports.

Vaquxine, you just earned beans. I think this is one of the fastest and most appropriate responses from a server admin I've seen. Good work. :)

Thanks, just doing my job :).

Edited by Guest

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Ty very much for the extremely fast response on the cheating there server admin. Really puts a damper on your well planned out event when two dumb asses like this show up.

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Ty very much for the extremely fast response on the cheating there server admin. Really puts a damper on your well planned out event when two dumb asses like this show up.

Yea, believe you me, nothing pisses me off more than hackers like this. The ones who only play to ruin other people's fun :(!

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Thanks for swift action, really unfortunate that people choose to troll and grief people during alpha. Kudos again.

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