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Infinite Loading Screen on & 94876

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fuck this. I have tried every suggestion on this topic (including redownload/reinstall), have now encountered and resolved the 'waiting on host', crash to desktop, and beta patch out-of-date errors. Was able to get into ONE game fine after waiting for loading again for 5 min. now....stuck on loading again.

I have tried

#16 http://dayzmod.com/f...-on-1723-94876/

#25 http://dayzmod.com/f...-on-1723-94876/

#3 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/35073-stuck-at-wait-for-host/

this is just funny - http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/31545-psa-172-downgrade-information-if-you-really-want-to/

and so on.

so, fuck it.

Edited by {BF} Dolf Lundgren

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Another thing that I find annoying is how many people repost the same solutions that have already been highlighted in this forum on other threads, say it works, and then say they haven't actually tested it out themselves!

Thanks, but it doesn't work.

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I also had the problem with the black loading screen.

I installed Arma II combined operations in Steam

I started both games once (Arma II and Arma II: CO) from my steam list

I installed sixlauncher and sixlauncher installed the beta files and DayZ mod for me

Then i had the problem when i wanted to play, the black loading screen with the little grey bar in the middle and the text: Loading

I read these instructions above here and im a simple guy, i didn't want to do all that stuff and actually wanted to wait for the next patch and maybe have more luck with it.

But i read things about Battleye.

This seemed to work for me:

I went to my game-list in steam

I rightclicked on Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead

I saw the option "Reinstall BattlEye Anti-Cheat" and i thought about the solutions you guys wrote above here and thought Hey! Why won't i try to click that!

After I did that, it seemed liked it almost did nothing, no popup accept the one in windows asking if i trust the installation but ok. In my case i restarted Steam after a minute or 2, but thats maybe not necessary.

I started a online game in Combined Operations to be sure and quit immediatly (maybe this is not necessary)

Now i tried starting Day Z through Sixlauncher again and suddenly it worked, i don't know if all this was a coincedence but i already tried to connect a lot of times. Maybe this will work for others also and it is simple to do without copy pasting and complete reinstalls (accept the rightclick in the steamlist/reinstall BattlEye)

Sorry if it doesnt work, i just wanted to share my experience about it and hope to help, im no expert with programming or something.

Kind regards,


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I also had the problem with the black loading screen.

I installed Arma II combined operations in Steam

I started both games once (Arma II and Arma II: CO) from my steam list

I installed sixlauncher and sixlauncher installed the beta files and DayZ mod for me

Then i had the problem when i wanted to play, the black loading screen with the little grey bar in the middle and the text: Loading

I read these instructions above here and im a simple guy, i didn't want to do all that stuff and actually wanted to wait for the next patch and maybe have more luck with it.

But i read things about Battleye.

This seemed to work for me:

I went to my game-list in steam

I rightclicked on Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead

I saw the option "Reinstall BattlEye Anti-Cheat" and i thought about the solutions you guys wrote above here and thought Hey! Why won't i try to click that!

After I did that, it seemed liked it almost did nothing, no popup accept the one in windows asking if i trust the installation but ok. In my case i restarted Steam after a minute or 2, but thats maybe not necessary.

I started a online game in Combined Operations to be sure and quit immediatly (maybe this is not necessary)

Now i tried starting Day Z through Sixlauncher again and suddenly it worked, i don't know if all this was a coincedence but i already tried to connect a lot of times. Maybe this will work for others also and it is simple to do without copy pasting and complete reinstalls (accept the rightclick in the steamlist/reinstall BattlEye)

Sorry if it doesnt work, i just wanted to share my experience about it and hope to help, im no expert with programming or something.

Kind regards,


Like many of the posts above, I too, had the same problem. I would let my game load for up to thirty minutes but I had no luck. I clicked the "Reinstall BattleEye Anti-Cheat" option for Arma2 AO, then I joined an online game in Arma 2 AO that wasn't a DayZ mod server, and then I quit out. After that I joined a DayZ server and it magically worked. I have been successfully playing all night. If you haven't done this yet and you're having the same problems as I did, try this fix. Thanks Tijg0rr, I'm finally playing DayZ again because of you...

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