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Can I create clans/squads?

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A friend and I have been traveling all across Cheranrus and have always just helped each other out. I remember reading something about clans forming in DayZ but I just skimmed over it.

I was wondering if I can somehow invite people to join a clan or squad of some sort. Is that possible?

Side Question: If that is possible, is it possible for the game to show what server your clan members are playing on?

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No it isn't, ARMA 2 doesn't have that feature, if you have steam you can create groups and chat to each other, you could also put clan tags in your player profile in the Main menu. THOUSANDSSS of people have or are in clans and usally talk with mics to know which server they're on.

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The best way is just to have your own teamspeak server for dayZ. I have my main steam group for people who are chatting/need tech support. And my teamspeak for people who are actually in game. That way you can surf through the channels and see where everyone is at.

The Anti-Bandits Steam Group:


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