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Hackers US 467

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Server this happened on.

US 467

* Time that it happened including your timezone.

approx 8-9:00 PM EST

* What happened during the incident.

When I first Logged in I saw a Ural driving by, I immediatly started shooting at it of course because its a flipping ural who doesn't want that vehicle, hey kept driving by to Cherno. I went to chase after them with one of my friends and ended up dead. I respawned in electo and went hunting around for them. I immediatly found 3 tractors and the same Ural parked with anyone around it. I crawled up to the vehicle hopped it and took off with it North as I could go. I did knotice a plane flying around so i immediatly suspected that they were probably using hacks. Apon stopping to see if my gear they had stolen I found a bunch of unlegit items. After taking these screenshots we destroyed the ural using one of the grenades (we had no weapons at this time.)

If you have any questions send me a pm or post and I'll try and answer it to the best of my abilities.

Edited by Vector_

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