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LF Partner, or small group

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Hey I am 30 from Canada (west coast) and I would like to start grouping up with like minded mature players. I have only been playing DayZ for about a week however I am not new to team play so I will be picking things up fast. Would prefer people to be 21+, but mature players are fine by me. I am more interested in a small groups, or maybe a partner or two since I have a family and a full time job so not really into big clan commitments. I get on when I can and while that is almost everyday it isnt a set time. I like tactical play and am a more cautious player. I will kill another player if I have to but prefer to avoid if possible. That being said I am not stupid and wont just walk up with my good intentions.

Anyway if you play in a similar way and want to group up feel free to add me on steam - KJoneZ13

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Please PM me, I'd like to have you in my group. I'm currently at work and will be logging in, in roughly 3 hours. We use mumble which you can download from mumble.com

I hope to see a message from you.

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