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How to launch in windowed mode?

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I want to launch it in windowed mode as the actual whole screen way cuts off a quarter of the left side.

How can I do it while keeping the DayZ mod in place?

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^^ or add -window at the end of the target line in properties.

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I dont always want it windowed, so i usually just stick with the old 'Alt-Enter' route.

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Anyone know how to launch in full screen windowed mode? I haven't tried lauching through steam with -noborder because I use arma launcher and i assume dayz wouldnt work.

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Sorry for bumping this thread, but I was wondering the same thing as some people above; can you play ArmA II (and obviously DayZ) in borderless windowed mode?

I know there are a couple of launch parameters (-x/-y: -window -x=1920 -y=1080), these will still give you borders.

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I'm not sure if it works' date=' but thats the launch parameter your looking for.


Yeah, that doesn't work. :)

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