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This needs to be an MMO!

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no and please say you are trolling cause the community has voiced their opinion on this topic already

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It is an MMO;

25 square kilometres is "massive"

Upwards of 50 people playing in the same server is "multiplayer"

It is run "online"

What you're asking for is an MMORPG to which I say "fuck no". This is an MMOFPS (or MMOTPS if you play in 3rd person)

Edited by KnT47r

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I dont agree with much of this.

but the idea to clearing a small town and gathering the supplies to hold it down like a fort is awesome. Then turning your cleared out fort with buddies into a trading post of some kind.

This would work if server hoping wasn't a problem AND the the map would just have to be bigger with more towns in general.

You cant say that idea is dumb cause its pretty awesome.

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God no. I don't want any lame gamey MMO mechanics sneaking into DayZ. We don't need quests to kill X zombies, or NPC's to give us quests or items, God. What you propose is like my worst nightmare come to life. It's already enough of an MMO, if it were bigger with more players and zombie's you'd have to sacrifice some graphics and shooter components to handle all the players. I'd rather have it smaller and more intense, where you can get to know the regulars on a server and have real interactions with them.

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DayZ Online, hell yeah I'd pay to play that.

They should make a leveling system eg. -10000 humanity = Bandit, -50000 humanity = Serial Killer, -100000 = Hunter etc.

Other classes could be Vigilante, Zombie Hunter, Rescuer etc. of course even maxing out your class still makes you weak enough so that zombies can rush you down and kill you.

Also make the game world heaps bigger, like 1,000 square km with multiple towns and cities. Players still drop everything on death and have to start again. Also make it so that some towns can be rid of zombies and settled by players making village communities of survivors helping each other survive. Eg. during the day people have to collect supplies and build up the town and at night they have to defend the place.

And make a clan system where bandits and survivors can form groups and more communities. This game world would be like a Mad Max set in zombie apocalypse where say 30 survivors have slowly built up a town meanwhile a gang of bandits 40 strong armed with heavy weapons and vehicles try to capture the town and kill all the survivors.

If players die they become zombies so the zombie population is constantly growing as well as respawning daily. And make it so that humans can get infected by the virus and slowly become zombies. The virus can be cured but takes a lot of effort and can put the village communities at risk.

Imagine 1 person in the village getting the disease and either being silent about it and slowly passing it on to the rest of the village OR getting found out and either killed or cast into exile or given expensive medical treatment.

Add in a barter system that does not use money but rather goods and you would have the world's most immersive MMO ever made.

The possibilities are damn endless. Think Mad Max meets The Postman meets Fallout meets Left 4 Dead.

Come on devs, you know you want this and so do we!


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