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Spawn / Spawns

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hey there :3

a friend of mine wants to start playing too and we r playing 90%-95% of our gaming time togheter... now, if he spawns in the normal spawn he will be way to far away from me and i dont want to spend our gaming time with finding the other one cuz im atm on the hills of vybor (look at the pic, we would have to walk 1 time accros the map) and i would rly like to keep my place there... so... is there any kind of way to get him spawn on me or to move him to me (like in some games (with admin acc) console /playerXYmovetoplayerYX)? i mean the game was meant to be played with more than 1 player and im lonewolfing throught this and it gets kinda boring :s...

and another lil question: i got a tent on a server but i cant find the server anymore, is there any kind of server history or a way to find my tent again cuz in my tent was most of my food and a 2nd watch and a 2nd map etc.


kaitokid x3




is the picture shown as a link? cuz in the preview it showed the map and the marks?!... anyways if u just c a link click on it and click on "Vergrössern" on the next page so you will see it fullscreen x3

Edited by KaitoKid

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There are a few different spawn points in the game, just keep hitting respawn till you randomly get a closer one. They are all along the coast as well.

Beware of the server rules though. Some servers kick or ban for excessive respawning.

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do you know where they r or do u know a list with a map or something?... cuz it would take way longer if he trys to respawn anywhere closer and has to find out where he is every time. it would be k if there would be one near balota or komarovo cuz its easyer to navigate... "just walk away from the see" and i could catch him near green mountain...

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He would have to run to you. The only spawn points are along the coast, and I think the farthest up the coast is at the quarry

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ok ty, can someone translate wut cireve said? "it normally says at spawn at which area youre at" ?!!?

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ok ty, can someone translate wut cireve said? "it normally says at spawn at which area youre at" ?!!?

In the bottom right of the screen, when you respawn...it will tell you where you are.

So it will say something like...



Day 0

Its the second line you want to pay attention too. This is the game giving you a hint as to what town/city you are close too.

Chernarus is the name of the whole map/country, Kamenka (in my example) will be the town your closest too etc.

Edited by GeordieMarv

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